• Compiler support for parallel code generation through kernel recognition 

      Arenaz Silva, Manuel; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE Computer Society, 2004-06-07)
      [Abstract] Summary form only given. The automatic parallelization of loops that contain complex computations is still a challenge for current parallelizing compilers. The main limitations are related to the analysis of ...
    • Design and Implementation of MapReduce using the PGAS Programming Model with UPC 

      Teijeiro Barjas, Carlos; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE Computer Society, 2012-01-03)
      [Abstract] MapReduce is a powerful tool for processing large data sets used by many applications running in distributed environments. However, despite the increasing number of computationally intensive problems that require ...
    • Efficient Culling Techniques for Interactive Deformable NURBS Surfaces on GPU 

      Concheiro, Raquel; Amor, Margarita; Padrón, Emilio J.; Doggett, Michael (SciTePress, 2016-02)
      [Abstrtact] InfoValue: NURBS (Non-uniform rational B-splines) surfaces are the standard freeform representation in Computer-Aided Design (CAD) applications. Rendering NURBS surfaces accurately while they are interactively ...
    • Efficient Java Communication Protocols on High-speed Cluster Interconnects 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE Computer Society, 2007-02-26)
      [Abstract] This paper presents communication strategies for achieving efficient parallel and distributed Java applications on clusters with high-speed interconnects. Communication performance is critical for the overall ...
    • Enabling Hardware Affinity in JVM-Based Applications: A Case Study for Big Data 

      Expósito, Roberto R.; Veiga, Jorge; Touriño, Juan (Springer, 2020)
      [Abstract]: Java has been the backbone of Big Data processing for more than a decade due to its interesting features such as object orientation, cross-platform portability and good programming productivity. In fact, most ...
    • Evaluation of Java for General Purpose GPU Computing 

      Docampo, Jorge; Ramos Garea, Sabela; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Expósito, Roberto R.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE Computer Society, 2013-07-01)
      [Abstract] The presence of many-core units as accelerators has been increasing due to their ability to improve the performance of highly parallel workloads. General Purpose GPU(GPGPU) computing has allowed the graphical ...
    • Evaluation of Parallel Differential Evolution Implementations on MapReduce and Spark 

      Teijeiro, Diego; Pardo, Xoán C.; Penas, David R.; González, Patricia; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Springer, 2017-09)
      [Abstract] Global optimization problems arise in many areas of science and engineering, computational and systems biology and bioinformatics among them. Many research efforts have focused on developing parallel metaheuristics ...
    • Exploiting locality in the run-time parallelization of irregular loops 

      Martín, María J.; Singh, David E.; Touriño, Juan; Rivera, Francisco F. (C R C Press, LLC, 2002-12-10)
      [Abstract] The goal of this work is the efficient parallel execution of loops with indirect array accesses, in order to be embedded in a parallelizing compiler framework. In this kind of loop pattern, dependences can not ...
    • Extending the Globus Information Service with the Common Information Model 

      Díaz, Iván; Fernández, G.; González, Patricia; Martín, María J.; Touriño, Juan (IEEE Computer Society, 2011-07-14)
      [Abstract] The need of task-adapted and complete information for the management of resources is a well known issue in Grid computing. Globus Toolkit 4 (GT4) includes the Monitoring and Discovery System component (MDS4) to ...
    • Free adaptive tessellation strategy of bézier surfaces 

      Concheiro, Raquel; Amor, Margarita; Bóo, Montserrat; Padrón, Emilio J. (SciTePress, 2014-01)
      [Abstract] Rendering of Bézier surfaces is currently performed by tessellating the model on the GPU and rendering the highly detailed triangle mesh. Whereas non-adaptive strategies apply the same tessellation pattern to ...
    • Guiding the Optimization of Parallel Codes on Multicores Using an Analytical Cache Model 

      Andrade, Diego; Fraguela, Basilio B.; Doallo, Ramón (2018)
      [Abstract]: Cache performance is particularly hard to predict in modern multicore processors as several threads can be concurrently in execution, and private cache levels are combined with shared ones. This paper presents ...
    • Hardware Implementation of Statecharts for FPGA-based Control in Scientific Facilities 

      Cereijo García, Javier; Osorio, Roberto (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020-01-16)
      [Abstract] The problem of generating complex synchronization patterns using automated tools is addressed in this paper. This work was originally motivated by the need of fast and jitter free synchronization in scientific ...
    • High Performance Java Remote Method Invocation for Parallel Computing on Clusters 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Teijeiro Barjas, Carlos; Touriño, Juan (IEEE Computer Society, 2007-11-12)
      [Abstract] This paper presents a more efficient Java remote method invocation (RMI) implementation for high-speed clusters. The use of Java for parallel programming on clusters is limited by the lack of efficient communication ...
    • HPF-2 Support for Dynamic Sparse Computations 

      Asenjo Plaza, Rafael; Plata, Oscar; Touriño, Juan; Zapata, Emilio L.; Doallo, Ramón (Springer, 1998)
      [Abstract] There is a class of sparse matrix computations, such as direct solvers of systems of linear equations, that change the fill-in (nonzero entries) of the coefficient matrix, and involve row and column operations ...
    • Hybrid CPU/GPU Acceleration of Detection of 2-SNP Epistatic Interactions in GWAS 

      González-Domínguez, Jorge; Schmidt, Bertil; Kässens, Jan Christian; Wienbrandt, Lars (Springer, 2014-08)
      [Abstract] High-throughput genotyping technologies allow the collection of up to a few million genetic markers (such as SNPs) of an individual within a few minutes of time. Detecting epistasis, such as 2-SNP interactions, ...
    • In-Transit Molecular Dynamics Analysis with Apache Flink 

      Zamúz, Henrique C.; Raffin, Bruno; Mures, Omar A.; Padrón, Emilio J. (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2018-11)
      [Abstract] In this paper, an on-line parallel analytics framework is proposed to process and store in transit all the data being generated by a Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation run using staging nodes in the same cluster ...
    • Integrating the common information model with MDS4 

      Díaz, Iván; Fernández, G.; Martín, María J.; González, Patricia; Touriño, Juan (IEEE Computer Society, 2008-10-31)
      [Abstract] The management and monitoring of static and dynamic resources is a key issue in grid environments. Information models are an abstract representation of software and hardware aspects of these resources, a common ...
    • MREv: An Automatic MapReduce Evaluation Tool for Big Data Workloads 

      Veiga, Jorge; Expósito, Roberto R.; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan (Elsevier, 2015)
      [Abstract]: The popularity of Big Data computing models like MapReduce has caused the emergence of many frameworks oriented to High Performance Computing (HPC) systems. The suitability of each one to a particular use case ...
    • Multimethod Optimization for Reverse Engineering of Complex Biological Networks 

      González, Patricia; Penas, David R.; Pardo, Xoán C.; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Association for Computing Machinery, 2018-09)
      [Abstract] Optimization problems appears in different areas of science and engineering. This paper considers the general problem of reverse engineering in computational biology by means of mixed-integer nonlinear dynamic ...
    • Non-blocking Java Communications Support on Clusters 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer, 2006)
      [Abstract] This paper presents communication strategies for supporting efficient non-blocking Java communication on clusters. The communication performance is critical for the overall cluster performance. It is possible ...