Mostrando ítems 6-10 de 57

    • Artificial neural network based model for evaluating performance of immobilized cell biofilter 

      Rene, Eldon R.; Kim, Junh Hoon; Park, Hung Suck (Universidade da Coruña, 2007)
      [Abstract] Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are powerful data driven modelling tools which has the potential to approximate and interpret complex input/output relationships based on the given sets of data matrix. In this ...
    • Modeling of fungal biofilter for the abatement of hydropic VOCs 

      Vregara Fernández, Alberto; Revah, Sergio (Universidade da Coruña, 2007)
      [Abstract] This work describes the growth of filamentous fungi in biofilters for the degradation of hydrophobic VOCs. The study system was n-hexane and the fungus Fusarium solani B1. The system is mathematically described ...
    • Biofiltration systems for the treatment of waste gas from industrial plants 

      Phillips, Ian (Universidade da Coruña, 2007)
      [Abstract] Bord na Móna Environmental Ltd. has gained valuable experience over the years with the installation of over 500 biofilters, primarily in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants, food processing and ...
    • High throughput biofiltration for odour control at water purification plant 

      Zhukov, Vitaly; Vepritzky, Andrey; Mitin, Leonid; Popov, Vladimir (Universidade da Coruña, 2007)
      [Abstract] A high throughput trickling biofilter for odour control was designed basing on the principles of biotrickling filter technology developed in Moscow Bakh Institute of Biochemistry. All the necessary blocks except ...
    • Continuous monitoring of odours at a biofilter outlet 

      Sironi, Selena; Capelli, Laura; Céntola, Paolo; Del Rosso, Renato; Il Grande, Massimiliano (Universidade da Coruña, 2007)
      [Abstract] The experience matured in the field of biofiltration applied to odour removal enabled to study the correlation between some of the characteristic parameters of the biofilter bed (e.g. T, RH, ?P) with the emitted ...