Browsing by Author "Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen"
Now showing items 1-20 of 32
Analysis of older adults in spanish care facilities, risk of falling and daily activity using Xiaomi Mi Band 2
Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Concheiro-Moscoso, Patricia; Groba, Betania; Pousada, Thais; Canosa, Nereida; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (MDPI, 2021-05-11)[Abstract] Background: Presently the use of technological devices such as wearable devices has emerged. Physical activity monitoring with wearable sensors is an easy and non-intrusive approach to encourage preventive care ... -
Comparativa de herramientas interactivas para preguntas, votaciones y tormentas de ideas en el aula.
Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Concheiro-Moscoso, Patricia; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (Universidade da Coruña, Cufie, 2020)[Resumen] La presente propuesta consiste en un estudio comparativo de una selección de herramientas tecnológicas destinadas a la creación de actividades interactivas, basadas en la gamificación, mediante las cuales se ... -
Design of a System to Implement Occupational Stress Studies Trough Wearables Devices and Assessment Tests
Concheiro-Moscoso, Patricia; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Fraga, Carlota; Queirós, Cristina; Pereira da Silva Marques, António José; Groba, Betania (MDPI AG, 2020-08-20)[Abstract] Introduction: Stress at work is a factor that has repercussions on both a personal and health level, as well as on productivity at work. Objective: To establish if the wearables are devices capable of determining ... -
Development of dual activities with Micro:Bit for interventions in people with cerebral palsy
Molinero-Rodríguez, Ainhoa; Carneiro-Medín, Rubén; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Castro-Castro, Paula-María; Dapena, Adriana (MDPI, 2021-10-12)[Abstract] Several studies have shown that video games help to motivate users in different kinds of therapies. Therefore, in this work we developed a tool that includes dual activities for therapy, as well as a data system ... -
Estudio fenomenológico sobre la relación entre el envejecimiento activo y la terapia ocupacional en centros de día y residencias de la ciudad de A Coruña
Carracedo Vázquez, Marta; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Groba, Betania; Pousada, Thais; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (Universidad de Chile, 2017-06-30)[Resumen] Objetivos: El Envejecimiento Activo se centra en la participación de las personas mayores en los asuntos sociales, económicos, culturales, espirituales y cívicos, y no únicamente en la capacidad de estar activos ... -
Estudio mixto sobre el impacto de un programa de envejecimiento activo en personas jubiladas
Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen (2017)[Resumen] Objetivo: El objetivo general fue determinar el impacto de un programa de envejecimiento activo implementado con personas jubiladas, a través de dispositivos tecnológicos. Metodología: El presente estudio es ... -
Estudo sobre o uso de dispositivos tecnolóxicos para a análise e prevención das caídas en residencias de persoas maiores desde unha perspectiva ocupacional
Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen (2021)[Resumo] O risco a caer é unha das síndromes xeriátricas con maior impacto na vida das persoas maiores. Debido á súa complexidade, desde hai décadas conta cun amplo campo de estudo desde diferentes perspectivas e ... -
Internationalization of the ClepiTO web platform
Naveira-Carro, Eloy; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Concheiro-Moscoso, Patricia; Puente-Castro, Alejandro; Costa Portugal Cardoso, Paula Cristina; Mota Coelho, Tiago (MDPI, 2019-08-01)[Abstract] This adaptation consists of the translation from Spanish into Portuguese of the different contents offered by the ClepiTO web platform to be able to carry out a pilot test with a larger population in Portugal ... -
Mixed study on the impact of a technology-based retirement preparation program: Tech-Retired protocol study
Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Concheiro-Moscoso, Patricia; Groba, Betania; Carracedo Vázquez, Marta; Pousada, Thais; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (Sage Journals, 2021-03-23)[Abstract] Background: Despite the increase in the older-adults’ population and recognizing retirement as one of the most changeable life stages, most Spanish people do not perform a retirement preparation program. The ... -
Mobile self-monitoring ECG devices to diagnose arrhythmia that coincide with palpitations: a scoping review
Ramsden Marston, Hannah; Hadley, Robin; Banks, Duncan; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen (MDPI AG, 2019-08-16)[Abstract] The use and deployment of mobile devices across society is phenomenal with an increasing number of individuals using mobile devices to track their everyday health. However, there is a paucity of academic ... -
Monitoring of older adults’ daily activity and sleep with Xiaomi Mi Band 2
Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Groba, Betania; Canosa, Nereida (MDPI, 2021-10-27)[Abstract] Nowadays, the use of wearable devices is still emerging. Monitoring with wearable sensors is an easy and non-intrusive approach to encourage preventive care for older adults. Wearable devices are becoming an ... -
Multi-context strategies and opportunities for increasing levels of physical activity in children and young people: a literature review
Arufe-Giráldez, Víctor; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier; Groba, Betania; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Canosa, Nereida; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Concheiro-Moscoso, Patricia; Rodríguez-Padín, Rocío; Roibal Pravio, Javier; Lagos Rodríguez, Manuel; Ramos-Álvarez, Oliver (MDPI, 2024-11-30)[Abstract] Background: In today's society, low levels of physical activity are observed in the child and adolescent population, which can cause numerous pathologies, such as obesity and mental health problems. Objective: ... -
Occupational therapy and the use of technology on older adult fall prevention: a scoping review
Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Concheiro-Moscoso, Patricia; Groba, Betania; Pousada, Thais; Canosa, Nereida; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (MDPI, 2021-01-15)[Abstract] Introduction: Falls are the second leading cause of accidental or non-intentional deaths worldwide and are the most common problem as people age. The primary purpose of addressing falls is to detect, prevent, ... -
Performance of Xiaomi Mi Band 5 Against Polysomnography in Measuring Sleep
Concheiro-Moscoso, Patricia; Groba, Betania; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Alvarez-Estevez, Diego (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023)[Abstract] This study sought to compare the effectiveness of one of the top-selling activity wristbands, the Xiaomi Mi Band 5, with polysomnography in the measurement of sleep stages. Conducted at a hospital in A Coruña, ... -
Perspectiva ocupacional de personas cuidadoras vinculadas a un centro de personas mayores: estudio mixto
Paredes Maseda, Uxía; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; López Rodríguez, Lorena (Colegio Oficial de Terapeutas Ocupacionales de Galicia (COTOGA), 2022-05-31)[Resumen] Objetivos: Analizar el desempeño ocupacional de las personas cuidadoras que se hacen cargo de personas mayores en situación de dependencia y que acuden a un centro de personas mayores. Métodos: Se ha empleado la ... -
Pilot study about a multifactorial intervention programme in older adults with technological devices based on GeriaTIC project
Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Pousada, Thais (MDPI, 2019-09-05)[Abstract] This pilot study was carried out with a sample of six older persons in a residential center in A Coruña. It is a “quasi-experimental” study, directed to assess the effect of an intervention on a given population, ... -
Quality of sleep data validation from the Xiaomi Mi Band 5 against polysomnography: comparison study
Concheiro-Moscoso, Patricia; Groba, Betania; Alvarez-Estevez, Diego; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Pousada, Thais; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Mejuto Muiño, Francisco Javier; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (JMIR Publications, 2023-05)[Abstract] Background: Polysomnography is the gold standard for measuring and detecting sleep patterns. In recent years, activity wristbands have become popular because they record continuous data in real time. Hence, ... -
Revisiting the twentieth century through the lens of generation X and digital games: a scoping review
Marston, Hannah R.; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen (Springer, 2020-03-11)[Abstract] Video games have been around since the 1960s and have impacted upon society in a myriad of different ways. The purpose of this scoping review is to identify existing literature within the domain of video games ... -
Stakeholder perspectives to support graphical user interface design for children with autism spectrum disorder: a qualitative study
Groba, Betania; Nieto-Riveiro, Laura; Canosa, Nereida; Concheiro-Moscoso, Patricia; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Pereira-Loureiro, Javier (MDPI, 2021-04-27)[Abstract] The development of digital supports for people with autism has increased considerably in recent years. Technology designers and developers have interpreted the needs and learning styles of people with autism ... -
Strategies and actions to enable meaningful family connections in nursing homes during the COVID-19: a scoping review
Veiga-Seijo, Raquel; Miranda-Duro, María del Carmen; Veiga-Seijo, Silvia (Taylor & Francis, 2021-06-25)[Abstract] Objectives: To better understand the impact of visitor restrictions on nursing home residents and their families as well as strategies and actions that were conducted in nursing homes during the COVID-19 ...