Browsing by Author "Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Entrevista a Marilar Aleixandre. Profesora Ad Honorem da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela e escritora. Premio Nacional de Literatura 2022
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023-01-09)Entrevista a Marilar Aleixandre -
Entrevista a Mario Vargas Llosa (22/03/2019)
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2019) -
Gender and Genre Issues in Short Stories Written by Women
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús; Estévez Saá, Margarita; Losada Friend, María; Estévez-Saá, José Manuel (Universidade da Coruña, 2008)[Abstract] In this round table we intend to review the remarkable contribution of women to the development of the short story in English as well as to discuss the possibility of detecting gender differences in their stories ... -
Grupo de Innovación Educativa nos Estudos Ingleses e Irlandeses
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús; Barros-Grela, Eduardo (Universidade da Coruña, Cufie, 2019)[Resumo] Tanto a área das Humanidades como especificamente os Estudos Ingleses atópanse nun importante momento de transición durante o primeiro cuarto do século XXI. A situación xeopolítica actual, dominada polas tensións ... -
Introducción al monográfico: “De los feminismo(s) a los ecofeminismo(s): análisis literarios y culturales”
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2023-01-09)[Resumo] Introdución do monográfico: “Dos feminismo(s) aos ecofeminismo(s): Análises literarias e culturais” -
Introducción: “Mentiras que parecen verdades” o la literatura según Vargas Llosa
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2019) -
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús; Barros-Grela, Eduardo; Alonso-Giráldez, J. Miguel (Sociedad Española de Estudios Literarios de Cultura Popular SELICUP, 2020) -
Language acquisition and bilingualism in the family: A case study
Woodward-Smith, Elizabeth; Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan, 2024)[Abstract] This article will examine some of the variables involved in simultaneous child bilingual-ism. Among variables considered are the native languages spoken by the parents (the same or dif-ferent languages), the ... -
Literary critics as cultural mediators between Spain and the United Kingdom in the Romantic British Pressthe case of Ángel Anaya
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Peter Lang, 2022)[Abstract] The cultural and literary exchange between Spain and the United Kingdom in the Romantic period was powered by newspapers and literary maganizes in which members of the public could find both reviews and announcements ... -
Literatura femenina didáctica: The Governess de Sarah Fielding
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Universidade da Coruña, 1993) -
Marisol Morales-Ladrón, editor. Family and Dysfunction in Contemporary Irish Narrative and Film. Peter Lang, 2016. Pp. vi, 352. £50.95. ISBN: 9783034322195
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Universidad de Valladolid, 2018-12-14)[Resumen] Reseña de Marisol Morales-Ladrón, editor. Family and Dysfunction in Contemporary Irish Narrative and Film. Peter Lang, 2016. Pp. vi, 352. £50.95. ISBN: 9783034322195 -
Medbh McGuckian and Ecofeminist Anxiety: The Contingency of Befalling
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Spanish Association for Irish Studies, 2020)[Abstract] The present article analyses Medbh McGuckian’s “The Contingency of Befalling”, an unpublished poem dealing with present-day climate crisis from an ecofeminist stance. Arguably, the poet is part of the Northern ... -
No Flappers in Wonderland? Illustrating Alice's Adventures in Wonderland in the 1920s
Valeiras Fernández, Andrea; Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Universidad de La Laguna, 2022)[Abstract] The social and economic context of the post-war period of the 1920s had a reinvigorating effect on children’s literature, the fairy tale, and fantasy genres. Moving beyond their characteristic didactic and moral ... -
Políticas de tradución inglés-galego-inglés desde os anos noventa: diálogos de ida e volta
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Universidade da Coruña, 2013) -
Propostas metodolóxicas activas en dous Programas de Posgrao da UDC: Aprendizaxe cooperativa, Flipped Classroom e Entornos Persoais de Aprendizaxe
Lasa-Álvarez, Begoña; Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Universidade da Coruña, Cufie, 2020)[Resumo] Neste traballo preséntase unha proposta para a implementación na aula de varios métodos de ensino-aprendizaxe activos en programas de posgrao da Universidade da Coruña impartidos por integrantes do Grupo de ... -
Representations of the New Woman in "The Irish Times" and "The Weekly Irish Times". A Preliminary Approach
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús; Lasa-Álvarez, Begoña (Sociedad Española de Estudios Literarios de Cultura Popular SELICUP, 2020)[Abstract] This article presents a preliminary approach to the study of the images of the New Woman in the publications The Irish Times and The Weekly Irish Times at the turn of the twentieth century. From the theoretical ... -
Rosalía de Castro e as escritoras angloamericanas do seu tempo en La hija del mar
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Fundación Rosalía de Castro, 2018)[Resumo] O presente traballo analiza a recepción por parte de Rosalía de Castro de escritoras europeas e americanas dos séculos XVIII e XIX coas que compartiu preocupacións de autoría, de xénero, temáticas e literarias ... -
Sin "cotillas" ni "tontinas": Jane Austen y la libertad en la vestimenta en el período romántico inglés
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Grupo Editorial Sial Pigmalión, 2024)[Resumen] Este trabajo se ha centrado en la moda en Jane Austen y para ello ha recorrido tanto sus propios retratos, los auténticos y los no autentificados, el interés por la moda en sus textos y la recepción de las novelas ... -
The Contribution of Margaret Cavendish to Scientific Knowledge
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús (Arcibel, 2015) -
The Role of the Bibliothèque Britannique (1796-1815) in the Dissemination of the Scottish Enlightenment as a Distinctive Cultural Movement in Europe
Lorenzo-Modia, María Jesús; Lasa-Álvarez, Begoña (Fundación Foro Jovellanos, 2019)[Abstract] The significance of the Scottish Enlightenment, and the innovations introduced through the ideas of some of its most prominent figures, led to the rapid dissemination of the movement in Europe. The Bibliothèque ...