Now showing items 1-20 of 37

    • A Software for Calculating the Economic Aspects of Floating Offshore Renewable Energies 

      Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Castro-Santos, Laura (MDPI, 2020)
      [Abstract] The aim of this work is to develop a software to calculate the economic parameters so as to determine the feasibility of a floating offshore renewable farm in a selected location. The software can calculate the ...
    • A tool to select offshore renewable energy facilities. The case of study of shipyards and ports in Spain 

      Fernández-Leal, Fernando; Castro-Santos, Laura; Rubial Yáñez, Pablo; Lamas, M.I.; Cordal Iglesias, David; Alcayde, A.; Montoya, F.G.; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ), 2023-07)
      [Abstract]: The objective of this work is to create a tool that serves to know the possibilities of manufacturing, storage, assembly, and maintenance of floating marine structures trying to take advantage of the ports and ...
    • An Economic Analysis of An Innovative Floating Offshore Wind Platform Built with Concrete: The SATH® Platform 

      Baita Saavedra, Eugenio; Cordal Iglesias, David; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Morató, Alexandre; Lamas, M.I.; Álvarez-Feal, José-Carlos; Carral Couce, Luis; Castro-Santos, Laura (MDPI, 2020-05)
      [Abstract] The goal of this work is to carry out an economic analysis of a novel floating offshore wind structure, of which the main material is concrete: the SATH® platform. It takes a step forward in floating marine wind ...
    • Analysis of Contracts to Build Energy Infrastructures to Optimize the OPEX 

      Losada Maseda, Jesús Javier; Castro-Santos, Laura; Graña-López, Manuel Ángel; García-Diez, Ana; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena (MDPI, 2020-09-03)
      [Abstract] The employer (owner) of the project wants to obtain the maximum profit for the money invested and the consultant (contractor) will try to give less for that money. The regulation of their relationship is based ...
    • Analysis of the Real Energy Consumption of Energy Saving Lamps 

      Graña-López, Manuel Ángel; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Castro-Santos, Laura; García-Diez, Ana (MDPI, 2020)
      [Abstract] Light emitting diode (LED) and compact fluorescent light (CFL) lamps are widely used because they are associated with low energy consumption and a reduced environmental impact. In the present paper, a study of ...
    • Análise e diagnóstico da responsabilidade social empresarial (RSE) dunha asociación de empresarios galega 

      Castro-Santos, Laura; Ríos Suárez, Daniel; Fraga Otero, María; Santos Casal, Angeles; Mosquera Martín, Susana (Universidade da Coruña, 2013)
      [Resumo] A responsabilidade social empresarial (RSE) comeza a ser un dos ámbitos importantes dentro dunha empresa, como noutros días o foron a prevención de riscos laborais ou a calidade. No entanto, os estudos en entidades ...
    • Characterisation of electrical power systems based on electrical curves and their properties 

      Ventura, J.; Martínez, F.; Castro-Santos, Laura; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Alcayde, A.; Montoya, F.G. (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ), 2023-07)
      [Abstract]: Due to the proliferation of renewable energy systems, the study of voltage and frequency stability is a crucial aspect. Recently, this problem has been approached from a purely geometrical point of view with ...
    • DSUALMH-A new high-resolution dataset for NILM 

      Rodríguez-Navarro, C.; Alcayde, A.; Isanbaev, V.; Castro-Santos, Laura; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Montoya, F.G. (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energy, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ), 2023-07)
      [Abstract]: The optimisation of energy consumption requires a reasonably accurate measurement, so an appropriate and advanced monitoring system of the relevant electrical variables in the electrical installations is of ...
    • Economic Aspects of a Concrete Floating Offshore Wind Platform in the Atlantic Arc of Europe 

      Baita Saavedra, Eugenio; Cordal Iglesias, David; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Castro-Santos, Laura (MDPI, 2019)
      [Abstract] The objective of this paper is to examine the economic aspects of a concrete offshore wind floating platform in the Atlantic Arc of Europe (Portugal and Spain). The life-cycle cost of a concrete floating offshore ...
    • Economic Feasibility of Floating Offshore Wind Farms Considering Near Future Wind Resources: Case Study of Iberian Coast and Bay of Biscay 

      Castro-Santos, Laura; DeCastro, Maite; Costoya, Xurxo; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Lamas, M.I.; Ribeiro, Américo; Dias, JM; Gómez-Gesteira, Moncho (MDPI, 2021-03)
      [Abstract] Wind energy resources are subject to changes in climate, so the use of wind energy density projections in the near future is essential to determine the viability and profitability of wind farms at particular ...
    • Economic Feasibility of Floating Offshore Wind Farms in the North of Spain 

      Castro-Santos, Laura; Bento, A. Rute; Silva, Dina; Salvação, Nádia; Guedes Soares, Carlos (2020)
      [Abstract] This paper assesses the economic feasibility of offshore wind farms installed in deep waters considering their internal rate of return (IRR), net present value (NPV), and levelized cost of energy (LCOE). The ...
    • Economic feasibility of wave energy farms in Portugal 

      Castro-Santos, Laura; Silva, Dina; Rute Bento, Ana; Salvaçao, Nadia; Guedes Soares, Carlos (MDPI, 2018-11)
      [Abstract]: This paper develops a methodology to determine the economic feasibility of implementing offshore wave energy farms on the Portuguese continental coast. This methodology follows several phases: the geographic ...
    • Economic viability of floating wave power farms considering the energy generated in the near future 

      Castro-Santos, Laura; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Costoya, Xurxo; Arguilé-Pérez, Beatriz; Ribeiro, Américo (Elsevier, 2024-02)
      [Abstract]: This article aims to analyse the economic viability of floating wave energy farms for the present and the next twenty years. The energy potential of the waves mainly depends on the climate, so the current and ...
    • Effect of multiple injection strategies on emissions and performance in the Wärtsilä 6L 46 marine engine. A numerical approach 

      Lamas, M.I.; Rodríguez-García, JuanDeDios; Castro-Santos, Laura; Carral Couce, Luis (Elsevier, 2019-01-01)
      [Abstract] The present paper proposes a Computational Fluid Dynamics model to analyze the operation cycle and exhaust gas composition in a four-stroke marine diesel engine, the Wärtsilä 6L 46. Once validated, the numerical ...
    • Effects of the expanded Panama Canal on vessel size and seaborne transport 

      Carral Couce, Luis; Tarrío-Saavedra, Javier; Castro-Santos, Laura; Lamas, M.I.; Sabonge, Rodolfo (University of Zagreb, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering, 2018-05-03)
      [Abstract]: The Panama Canal (PC) expansion will have an impact on trading patterns and the manner in which goods are transported around the world. Once the third set of locks at the Canal began their operation, it was ...
    • Floating Wave Energy Farms: How Energy Calculations Shape Economic Feasibility? 

      Castro-Santos, Laura; Cordal Iglesias, David; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena (Elsevier ; CellPress, 2024-11-30)
      [Abstract]: The aim of this study is to use two different methodologies for calculating the energy produced by a total wave energy farm in the Cantabrian Sea (North of Spain). First method studies the energy produced by ...
    • Framework for Development of an Economic Analysis Tool for Floating Concrete Offshore Wind Platforms 

      Cordal Iglesias, David; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Baita Saavedra, Eugenio; Graña-López, Manuel Ángel; Castro-Santos, Laura (MDPI, 2020)
      [Abstract] The objective of this work is to establish a framework for the development of an economic analysis tool for floating offshore wind platforms built in concrete. The operation and usefulness of the beta version ...
    • How Important Are Ports for the Offshore Wind Industry?: The Case of Spain 

      Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Puime Guillén, Félix; Cordal Iglesias, David; García-Diez, Ana; Lamas, M.I.; Castro-Santos, Laura (European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality (EA4EPQ), 2021-09)
      [Abstract] Offshore wind is becoming a new technology to develop a better sustainable world. Its progress is linked to the use of port facilities, where the offshore wind farms can be stored or pre-installed. The aim of ...
    • Importance of the fluctuations of the steel price in the economic feasibility of a hybrid offshore platform in the West of the Iberian Peninsula 

      Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Costoya, Xurxo; Cordal Iglesias, David; Castro-Santos, Laura (UK Zhende Publishing Limited, European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality, 2022-09)
      [Abstract]: Marine renewable energies are being implemented as basic energy sources of the Spanish energy system for various reasons, the first because the planet Earth is made up of 70% water, which makes marine resources ...
    • Influence of Size on the Economic Feasibility of Floating Offshore Wind Farms 

      Castro-Santos, Laura; Filgueira-Vizoso, Almudena; Álvarez-Feal, José-Carlos; Carral Couce, Luis (MDPI, 2018)
      [Abstract] This paper uses a method to analyze the economic influence of the size of floating offshore wind farms. The economic aspects analyzed, LCOE (Levelized Cost Of Energy) and costs, depend on the number of floating ...