Listar por autor "Doallo, Ramón"
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 101
A cloud-based enhanced differential evolution algorithm for parameter estimation problems in computational systems biology
Teijeiro, Diego; Pardo, Xoán C.; Penas, David R.; González, Patricia; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2017)[Abstract] Metaheuristics are gaining increasing recognition in many research areas, computational systems biology among them. Recent advances in metaheuristics can be helpful in locating the vicinity of the global solution ... -
A Fast Solver for Large Tridiagonal Systems on Multi-Core Processors (Lass Library)
Valero-Lara, Pedro; Andrade, Diego; Sirvent, Raül; Labarta, Jesús; Fraguela, Basilio B.; Doallo, Ramón (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2019)[Abstract]: Many problems of industrial and scientific interest require the solving of tridiagonal linear systems. This paper presents several implementations for the parallel solving of large tridiagonal systems on ... -
A GIS-Embedded System to Support Land Consolidation Plans in Galicia.
Touriño, Juan; Parapar López, Jorge; Doallo, Ramón; Boullón, Marcos; Rivera, Francisco F.; Bruguera, Javier D. (Taylor & Francis, 2003-06)[Abstract] Land consolidation is a strategic instrument for rural planning and thus economic development in the Spanish region of Galicia. This paper describes an experimental system embedded in a GIS environment to aid ... -
A middleware architecture for distributed systems management
Salceda, Jesús; Díaz, Iván; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Academic Press, 2004-06)[Abstract] This paper presents a middleware solution for global management of any kind of distributed system, such as networks of PCs/workstations, clusters or server farms. Our approach lies in an object-oriented software ... -
A multi-GPU shallow-water simulation with transport of contaminants
Viñas Buceta, Moisés; Lobeiras Blanco, Jacobo; Fraguela, Basilio B.; Arenaz Silva, Manuel; Amor, Margarita; García Rodríguez, José Antonio; Castro, M.J.; Doallo, Ramón (Wiley, 2012)[Abstract] This work presents cost-effective multi-graphics processing unit (GPU) parallel implementations of a finite-volume numerical scheme for solving pollutant transport problems in bidimensional domains. The fluid ... -
A New Spatial Criteria Method to Delimit Rural Settlements towards Boundaries Equity: Land Use Optimization for Decision Making in Galicia, NW Spain
Barbosa Brandão, Vasco; Santé, Inés; Crecente, Rafael; Díaz Redondo, Carlos; Porta, Juan; Parapar López, Jorge; Doallo, Ramón; Ferreira Neto, José Ambrósio (MDPI, 2022)[Abstract] Rural settlements (RS) are a reality of rural areas. They consist of cluster of buildings and ways of life mainly associated with activities related to agriculture. As economic policies applied in rural development ... -
A parallel metaheuristic for large mixed-integer dynamic optimization problems, with applications in computational biology
Penas, David R.; Henriques, David; González, Patricia; Doallo, Ramón; Saez-Rodriguez, Julio; Banga, Julio R. (Public Library of Science, 2017)[Abstract] Background: We consider a general class of global optimization problems dealing with nonlinear dynamic models. Although this class is relevant to many areas of science and engineering, here we are interested ... -
A population-based iterated greedy algorithm for the delimitation and zoning of rural settlements
Porta, Juan; Parapar López, Jorge; Doallo, Ramón; Barbosa Brandão, Vasco; Santé, Inés; Crecente, Rafael (Pergamon Press, 2013)[Abstract] In this paper we present a Population-Based Iterated Greedy (PBIG) algorithm for delimiting and zoning rural settlements. Each cadastral plots is allocated to a category (traditional–historical, common or none) ... -
A PVM Based Library for Sparse Matrix Factorizations
Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer, 1998)[Abstract] We present 3LM, a C Linked List Management Library for parallel sparse factorizations on a PVM environment which takes into account the fill-in, an important drawback of sparse computations. It is restricted to ... -
A simulated annealing algorithm for zoning in planning using parallel computing
Santé, Inés; Fernández Rivera, Francisco; Crecente, Rafael; Boullón, Marcos; Suárez, Marcos; Porta, Juan; Parapar López, Jorge; Doallo, Ramón (Pergamon Press, 2016)[Abstract] There is an increasing demand for tools that support land use planning processes, particularly the design of zoning maps, which is one of the most complex tasks in the field. In this task, different land use ... -
An approach to support generic topologies in distributed PSO algorithms in Spark
Pardo, Xoán C.; González, Patricia; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Armando De Giusti, Marcelo Naiouf, Franco Chichizola, Enzo Rucci, Laura De Giusti. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Informática., 2023)[Abstract] Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is a popular population-based search algorithm that has been applied to all kinds of complex optimization problems. Although the performance of the algorithm strongly depends ... -
An automatic optimizer for heterogeneous devices
Fernández-Fabeiro, Jorge; Andrade, Diego; Fraguela, Basilio B.; Doallo, Ramón (Elsevier, 2020-05)[Abstract]: Codes written in a naive way seldom effectively exploit the computing resources, while writing optimized codes is usually a complex task that requires certain levels of expertise. This problem is further increased ... -
An Efficient Ant Colony Optimization Framework for HPC Environments
González, Patricia; Osorio, Roberto; Pardo, Xoán C.; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Elsevier, 2022)[Abstract] Combinatorial optimization problems arise in many disciplines, both in the basic sciences and in applied fields such as engineering and economics. One of the most popular combinatorial optimization methods is ... -
An Inspector-Executor Algorithm for Irregular Assignment Parallelization
Arenaz Silva, Manuel; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer, 2004)[Abstract] A loop with irregular assignment computations contains loop-carried output data dependences that can only be detected at run-time. In this paper, a load-balanced method based on the inspector-executor model is ... -
Analysis of I/O Performance on an Amazon EC2 Cluster Compute and High I/O Platform
Expósito, Roberto R.; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Ramos Garea, Sabela; González-Domínguez, Jorge; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer Netherlands, 2013-12)[Abstract] Cloud computing is currently being explored by the scientific community to assess its suitability for High Performance Computing (HPC) environments. In this novel paradigm, compute and storage resources, as well ... -
Analysis of interval‐grouped data in weed science: The binnednp Rcpp package
Barreiro-Ures, Daniel; Francisco-Fernández, Mario; Cao, Ricardo; Fraguela, Basilio B.; Doallo, Ramón; González-Andújar, José Luis; Reyes, Miguel (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2019-09-13)[Abstract] Weed scientists are usually interested in the study of the distribution and density functions of the random variable that relates weed emergence with environmental indices like the hydrothermal time (HTT). ... -
Automated and accurate cache behavior analysis for codes with irregular access patterns
Andrade, Diego; Arenaz Silva, Manuel; Fraguela, Basilio B.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2007-04-03)[Abstract] The memory hierarchy plays an essential role in the performance of current computers, so good analysis tools that help in predicting and understanding its behavior are required. Analytical modeling is the ideal ... -
Big Data Geospatial Processing for Massive Aerial LiDAR Datasets
Deibe, David; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (MDPI AG, 2020-02-21)[Abstract] For years, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology has been considered as a challenge when it comes to developing efficient software to handle the extremely large volumes of data this surveying method is ... -
Big Data Geospatial Processing for Massive Aerial LiDAR Datasets
Deibe, David; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (M D P I AG, 2020-02-21)[Abstract] For years, Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology has been considered as a challenge when it comes to developing efficient software to handle the extremely large volumes of data this surveying method is ... -
Big data storage technologies: a case study for web-based LiDAR visualization
Deibe, David; Amor, Margarita; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE, 2018)[Abstract]: Big data technologies have been growing up quickly during past years. New storage and computing solutions appear while those already established in the market are improved with new features and better performance. ...