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dc.contributor.authorBorrajo, Gena
dc.identifier.citationSarmiento Anuario galego de historia da educación, 2006, 10: 101-111. ISSN: 1138-5863es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Resumo] Exalumnos da escola de ferrado inmortalizada por dona Julia Minguillón na famosa pintura “A Escola de Doloriñas”, evocan a súa infancia. As típicas trasnadas, as leccións aprendidas a carón de Doloriñas e algunha que outra privación afloran na mente destes nenos e nenas que hoxe roldan os setenta anos. Un destes alumnos completou a súa formación na escola pública e explica con todo luxo de detalles a principais diferencias dela co pobre, pero acolledor habitáculo onde aprendeu as primeiras letras. A memoria de dous mestres e os datos aportados polos investigadores Narciso de Gabriel e Vicente Peña veñen a completar esta panorámica sobre algunhas das escolas de Galicia
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] Former alumni of the “escola de ferrado” (rural school system in which the schoolteacher was paid in kind instead of receiving salary; a “ferrado” is a measure of corn, for example) immortalized by Julia Minguillón in the famous painting entitled “A Escola de Doloriñas” conjure up memories from their childhood. The typical pranks, the lessons learned with Doloriñas and some of the deprivations experienced are still very much alive in the minds of these boys and girls, who today are nearing seventy. One of these former students finished his education in the public school system and explains in detail, the main differences between the latter and the poor, but cozy little schoolhouse where he learned his ABC’s. The memory of the teachers and the data provided by researchers Narciso de Gabriel and Vicente Peña complete this panoramic overview of some of the schools in Galicia
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruñaes_ES
dc.subjectJulia Minguillónes_ES
dc.subjectEscolas de ferradoes_ES
dc.subjectCastigo escolares_ES
dc.subjectDitadura franquistaes_ES
dc.subjectEscola republicanaes_ES
dc.subjectPublic schooles_ES
dc.subjectPunishment in the schooles_ES
dc.subjectFranco's dictatorshipes_ES
dc.subjectRepublican schooles_ES
dc.titleA escola de Doloriñas: memoria, latexo e presencia dun tempo escolares_ES
dc.title.alternativeThe School of Doloriñas: memory, heartbeat and presence of an educational time

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