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dc.contributor.authorDe Gabriel Fernández, Narciso
dc.identifier.citationSarmiento Anuario galego de historia da educación, 1999, 3: 93-132. ISSN: 1138-5863es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Resumo] A instrucción popular en Galicia ten unha das súas concrecións máis xenuinas nas escolas de ferrado. Trátase de escolas sostidas polos propios labregos, que pagaban normalmente en especie: un ferrado de centeo, trigo ou millo por alumno e ano; funcionaban nos meses de inverno; estaban instala- das en locais diversos e improvisados; desenvolvían un currículo restrinxido as máis das veces á ler, escri- bir e contar, ademais do catecismo; e ao seu frente figuraban mestres sin título -os chamados escolantes- e cunha limitada formación, que compaxinaban o ensino con outros oficios. Malia todas as súas caren- cias, teñen realizado unha importante contribución á difusión social da lectura e da escritura.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] One of the most authentic characterizations of popular education in Galicia can be seen in the Schools of the "ferrado". These schools were supported by the farmers themselves, who would gene- rally pay in kind - a "ferrado" (a measure) of rye, wheat or corn per student per year. These schools were in session during the winter months and the makeshift classrooms were set up in a variety of places- The curriculum was limited, including mostly reading, writing and simple arithmetic, as well as the catechism. The lessons were given by teachers without a degree, known as "escolantes" with few qualifications who combined teaching with other jobs. Despite the lack of means, these schoolteachers made an important contribution to the social dissemination of reading and writing.es_ES
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruñaes_ES
dc.titleEscolantes e escolas de ferradoes_ES

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