Actualidade do pensamento educativo de Manuel Bartolomé Cossío
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Actualidade do pensamento educativo de Manuel Bartolomé CossíoAuthor(s)
Sarmiento Anuario galego de historia da educación, 1998, 2: 39-67. ISSN: 1138-5863
[Resumo] Neste artigo faise unha evocación das aportacións de Manuel Bartolomé Cossío (1857-1935)
á educación española. Partindo do desacougo que está a producir a actual reforma do sistema educa-
tivo. ponse de manifesto que é frecuente hoxe utilizar o seu pensamento pedagóxico de maneira intere-
sada e partidista. Preséntanse cinco ideas de plena actualidade que Cossío defendeu o langa da súa
vida e que poden enriquecer o debate educativo producido pala reforma: a figura do mestre, o concepto
de escala, a defensa dun ensino activo para todos, a natureza da ensinanza secundaria, e o problema
da educación relixiosa. O obxectivo do artigo é proporcionar datos e chiscos de luz que impidan afondar
nun fraude intelectual sobre o seu pensamento. [Abstract] This article discusses the contributions of Manuel Bartoiomé Cossío (1857-1935) to Spanish
Education. Based on the discontent than has been unleashed by the present reform of the educational
system, it is evident that his pedagogical teachings are commonly used arbitrarily and egotislically today
by people lo their own interest. We discuss five of his ideas that are totally relevant to today's situation,
which Cossío defended his whole lile and which may be able to enhance the educational debate arising
lrom the refo/m: the figure 01 the teacher, the concept 01 the school, the defense 01 a dynamic education
lar all, the characteristics 01 secondary education, and the problem 01 religious education. The purpose
01 this article is to provide data and enlightenment that will prevent the discussion 01 his thought lrom tur-
ning into an intellectual Iraud.