• Dynamic Simulation Applied to Refinery Hydrogen Networks 

      Galán Prado, Aníbal; Prada, César de; Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Gloria; González Martín, Rafael; Sarabia, Daniel (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Oviedo, 2017)
      [Abstract] This study analyses the usefulness of process network dynamics simulation for decision-making in refinery hydrogen networks. A theoretical hydrogen network of three desulphurisation plants is modelled, and three ...
    • Progress toward Equitably Managed Protected Areas in Aichi Target 11: A Global Survey 

      Zafra-Calvo, Noelia; Garmendia, Eneko; Pascual, Unai; Palomo, Ignacio; Gross-Camp, Nicole; Brockington, Dan; Cortés Vázquez, José Antonio; Coolsaet, Brendan; Burgess, Neil David (Oxford University Press, 2019)
      [Abstract]: The Convention on Biological Diversity Aichi Target 11 requires its 193 signatory parties to incorporate social equity into protected area (PA) management by 2020. However, there is limited evidence of progress ...