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dc.contributor.authorUlloa Guitián, Montserrat
dc.contributor.authorAbreu, Cleide Aparecida
dc.contributor.authorPaz-González, Antonio
dc.identifier.citationCadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe, 2001, 26: 243-254 ISSN: 00213-4497es_ES
dc.description.abstractAbstract] The Mehlich–3 extraction reagent recommended for use on a wide range of acid soil types was utilised for extracting in a simple step, both major elements (P, Ca, Mg) and micronutrients (Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn,). The study area was an elementary agricultural catchment of about 25 ha, located in the Mabegondo Experimental farm, near A Coruña, where soils develop over a basic schist underneath, referred to as Ordenes Complejo. 65 punctual soil samples were taken for nutrient determination at 0-30 cm depth. The frequency distributions for each of the seven studied elements were analized. There were wide ranges of variation between maxima and minima. Coefficients of skewness and kurtosis indicate that micronutrient contents can be approximated by a normal distribution. Coefficients of variation were medium to high, ranging from 30% to 62%. Strong correlations were found between extractable Fe, Mn, Cu and Zn. Furthermore, the relationship between the concentration of nutrients and routine analysis of organic matter content, pH and texture was ascertained. The dependence between pH and extractable Ca content was not as high as expected because of the scatter of a few (one or two) individual points. The usefulness of regression analysis between extracted nutrient concentrations and on the other hand between nutrient contents and general soil properties for detecting outliers was discussed
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruñaes_ES
dc.subjectStatistical variabilityes_ES
dc.titleDisponibilidad de macro- y micronutrientes en un suelo de cultivo de Mabegondo (A Coruña)es_ES
dc.title.alternativeMacro- and micronutrients availability in a cropped soil in Mabegondo (A Coruña)

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