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dc.contributor.authorBenito Rueda, E.
dc.contributor.authorBlas, E. de
dc.contributor.authorSantiago, J. L.
dc.contributor.authorVarela, M. E.
dc.identifier.citationCadernos do Laboratorio Xeolóxico de Laxe, 2001, 26: 211-220 ISSN: 00213-4497es_ES
dc.description.abstract[Abstract] The present paper describes the design, construction, calibration and operation of a spray rainfall simulator . The design of the plots used for the purpose of this study is also described in order to determine hydrological and erosion parameters. Selected rainfall intensity of 64 mm h- 1 are representative of heavy storm conditions in Galicia. Drop size distribution results in these conditions , a D5 0of 1.2 mm, were similar to those calculated for natural rainfall by BUBENZER (1979). Fall velocities reached were between 75 and 100% terminal velocity, depending on drop diameter and 13.05 Jm- 2m m- 1kinetic energy was obtained Surface area of the plots used was 1 m2, surronded by a metal structure connected to a V-shaped system to collect the surface runoff and sediment produced in the different experiments .
dc.publisherUniversidade da Coruñaes_ES
dc.subjectRainfall simulatores_ES
dc.subjectSoil losses_ES
dc.titleDescripción y puesta a punto de un simulador de lluvia de campo para estudios de escorrentía superficial y erosión del sueloes_ES
dc.title.alternativeDesign and operation of a rainfall simulator for field studies of runoff and soil erosion

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