REV - CLXL - Vol. 24 (1999)
Recent Submissions
Characterisation of soils with mollic horizon formed over limestone in a humid temperate climate (Galicia, NW Spain)
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] Soils with a mollic horizon lying directly over limestone were characterized physicochemically, mineralogically and micromorphologically. The development of these soils involves dissolution of limestone and ... -
Evidencias y pruebas significativas sobre la degradación subaérea en formas menores graníticas: análisis de casos
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] This paper deals with a whole significant questions on the subaerial evolution stage in the granitic minor forms, starting from several gnammas database. First, the ratio depth values (maximum/minimum) are inspect ... -
Sobre los grandes bóvidos pleistocenos (Bovidae, Mammalia) en el NO de la Península Ibérica
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] Large bovids (Bos primigenius and Bison priscus) bone remains from NW Iberian Peninsula sites are studied in this paper. Anatomic features in both species are highly similar, which makes difficult these bone ... -
Relación entre índices de rugosidad: resultados de dos años de experiencias
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] Tillage-induced soil surface roughness is an important factor in preventing runoff generation and soil erosion, because of depressions storing water and the effect of surface shape protecting soil from splash ... -
Cartografía de las propiedades generales del suelo a escala de cuenca
(Universidade da Coruña, 1999)[Abstract] The spatial structure of gravel content and three textural fractions (sand, silt, clay) was investigated in a 19.8 ha mixed, agricultural and forest catchment through of geostatistical techniques. Three different ...