• Lithologic and climatic convergence in granite morphology 

      Campbell, E. M.; Twidale, C. R. (Universidade da Coruña, 1995)
      [Abstract] The major and minor forms eommon to granite (and related erystalline lithologies) and to daeite, sandstone and limestone are listed and briefly deseribed. Faetors eondueive to lithologie eonvergenee (the development ...
    • The Various origins of minor granite Landforms 

      Campbell, E. M.; Twidale, C. R. (Universidade da Coruña, 1995)
      [Abstract] The many minor forms developed on granitic terrains, on bornhardts and other residual hilis, on boulders, on sheet structures and on platforms, vary in origino Different modes of initiation and subsequent ...