Mostrando ítems 46-50 de 63

    • Low-Precision Feature Selection on Microarray Data: An Information Theoretic Approach 

      Morán-Fernández, Laura; Bolón-Canedo, Verónica; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo (Springer, 2022)
      [Abstract] The number of interconnected devices, such as personal wearables, cars, and smart-homes, surrounding us every day has recently increased. The Internet of Things devices monitor many processes, and have the ...
    • Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Different Levels of Hospital Care of CoVid-19 

      Hernández-Pereira, Elena; Fontenla-Romero, Óscar; Bolón-Canedo, Verónica; Cancela, Brais; Guijarro-Berdiñas, Bertha; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo (Springer, 2022)
      [Abstract] In this study, we analyze the capability of several state of the art machine learning methods to predict whether patients diagnosed with CoVid-19 (CoronaVirus disease 2019) will need different levels of hospital ...
    • Anomaly Detection on Natural Language Processing to Improve Predictions on Tourist Preferences 

      Meira, Jorge; Carneiro, João; Bolón-Canedo, Verónica; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo; Novais, Paulo; Marreiros, Goreti (MDPI, 2022)
      [Abstract] Argumentation-based dialogue models have shown to be appropriate for decision contexts in which it is intended to overcome the lack of interaction between decision-makers, either because they are dispersed, they ...
    • How Important Is Data Quality? Best Classifiers vs Best Features 

      Morán-Fernández, Laura; Bolón-Canedo, Verónica; Alonso-Betanzos, Amparo (Elsevier, 2021)
      [Abstract] The task of choosing the appropriate classifier for a given scenario is not an easy-to-solve question. First, there is an increasingly high number of algorithms available belonging to different families. And ...
    • Quantum Computing for Dealing with Inaccurate Knowledge Related to the Certainty Factors Model 

      Moret-Bonillo, Vicente; Magaz Romero, Samuel; Mosqueira-Rey, E. (MDPI, 2022)
      [Abstract] In this paper, we illustrate that inaccurate knowledge can be efficiently implemented in a quantum environment. For this purpose, we analyse the correlation between certainty factors and quantum probability. We ...