"Soy pescador y por eso protejo el mar". Campaña de formación e sensibilización para propiciar a colaboración de pescadores profesionais e deportivos do litoral andaluz na conservación das tartarugas mariñas

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"Soy pescador y por eso protejo el mar". Campaña de formación e sensibilización para propiciar a colaboración de pescadores profesionais e deportivos do litoral andaluz na conservación das tartarugas mariñasTítulo(s) alternativo(s)
“I am a fisherman and that is why I protect the sea” Campaign for the education and sensitizing in order to favour the collaboration of professional fishermen and sports people on the coast of Andalucía in the protection of sea turtlesAutor(es)
2007Cita bibliográfica
Ambientalmente sustentable 2007, 4: 91-97 ISSN: 1887-2417
[Resumo] Entre os instrumentos sociais de intervención para xestionar con efectividade a
atención a tartarugas mariñas feridas debido á súa captura accidental e optimizar a
súa recuperación, é fundamental propiciar a colaboración e implicación do sector
pesqueiro profesional e deportivo na conservación das tartarugas mariñas, practicando
unha pesca sostible, e actuando en caso de enxergar exemplares feridos ou enfermos,
ou de capturas accidentais de tartarugas mariñas. Para iso, a Aula do Mar de Málaga, en
colaboración coa Consellaría de Medio Ambiente da Junta de Andalucía, puxo en marcha
a campaña “Son pescador y por eso protejo el mar”. Na citada actuación celebráronse
reunións de traballo e encontros formativos cos pescadores nos portos pesqueiros
da costa andaluza, apoiadas con material divulgativo e formativo. É importante ter en
conta a opinión dos pescadores sobre a problemática de conservación das tartarugas
mariñas e do ámbito costeiro, pois moitas veces ignórase o valor da súa experiencia
e a súa interacción habitual coas tartarugas mariñas. Así mesmo, para lograr unha
colaboración efectiva dos pescadores co Centro de Recuperación de Especies Mariñas
Ameazadas de Andalucía, é fundamental manter un continuo contacto persoal e un
recoñecemento ás súas colaboracións, alén de lles facilitar esta tarefa ofrecéndolles
formación e equipamento axeitado. [Abstract] Among the social instruments of intervention in order to effectively manage attention
to sea turtles which have been injured alter being accidentally caught, and in order to
optimize their recovery, it is of absolute importance to favour the collaboration and the
implication of the sectors of professional and sports fishers in the protection od sea turtles, making use of sustainable fishing practices and taking action when sighting
injured or sick animals, or when accidentally catching sea turtles. To such an end the Aula del
Mar in Málaga, in collaboration with the Environmental Commission of the Junta de Andalucía,
has started the campaign entitled “I AM A FISHERMAN AND THAT IS WHY I PROTECT THE
SEA” in which various working meetings and educational encounters have been held with fishing
people in the fishing ports along the coast of Andalucía, backed up by informative and educational
material. It is important to bear in mind the opinion held by the fishing people with regards to the
problem of the protection of sea turtles and the coastal areas, given that often the value of their
experience and habitual interaction with sea turtles is ignored. At the same time, in order to reach
an effective collaboration with the fishing people with the Centre for the Recovery of Threatened
Marine Species of Andalucía, it is of utmost importance to maintain a continuous personal contact
with, and recognition of, the collaborations, as well as making this easier for them by offering them
suitable education and equipment.
Palabras chave
Sector pesquero
Conservación de tartarugas mariñas
Encontros formativos
Fishing sector
Protection of sea turtles
Educational meetings
Conservación de tartarugas mariñas
Encontros formativos
Fishing sector
Protection of sea turtles
Educational meetings