• Small area prediction of proportions and counts under a spatial Poisson mixed model 

      Boubeta, Miguel; Lombardía, María José; Morales, Domingo (Springer Nature, 2023-10-31)
      [Abstract]: This paper introduces an area-level Poisson mixed model with SAR(1) spatially correlated random effects. Small area predictors of proportions and counts are derived from the new model and the corresponding mean ...
    • Small but strong: Socioeconomic and ecological resilience of a small European fishing community affected by a submarine volcanic eruption 

      Cruz Modino, Raquel; Piñeiro-Corbeira, Cristina; Gutiérrez Barroso, Josue; González-Cruz, Carla; Barreiro, Rodolfo; Batista-Medina, José Antonio; Pascual-Fernández, José J.; González, José A.; Santana-Talavera, Agustín; Aswani, Shankar (Elsevier, 2022-03-28)
      [Abstract] Small-scale coastal fishing communities are facing many new challenges, such as rapid ecological changes created by anthropogenic and natural events like earthquakes or volcanic eruptions. This paper explores ...
    • Small Companies Facing the Mobility Policy in Spain: Is It Profitable to Remain in the Market? 

      Fernández-González, Raquel; Pérez-Vas, Raisa; Puime Guillén, Félix (Elsevier, 2022)
      [Absract]: The parking sector in Spain has experienced a growing trend in recent years. At the same time, the level of market concentration has increased. One of the main reasons behind this phenomenon is due to the mobility ...
    • Small Enhancement of Bimanual Typing Performance after 20 Sessions of tDCS in Healthy Young Adults 

      Sevilla-Sánchez, Marta; Hortobágyi, Tibor; Fogelson, Noa; Iglesias-Soler, Eliseo; Carballeira, Eduardo; Fernández-del-Olmo, Miguel (Elsevier, 2021-05-08)
      [Abstract] Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique that may improve motor learning. However, the long-term effects of tDCS have not been explored, and the ecological ...
    • Small extracellular vesicles are key regulators of non-cell autonomous intercellular communication in senescence via the interferon protein IFITM3 

      Borghesan, Michela; Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio; Eleftheriadou, Olga; Carpintero-Fernández, Paula; Paez-Ribes, Marta; Vizcay-Barrena, Gema; Swisa, Avital; Kolodkin-Gal, Dror; Ximénez-Embún, Pilar; Lowe, Robert; Martín-Martín, Belén; Peinado, Héctor; Muñoz, Javier; Fleck, Roland A.; Dor, Yuval; Ben-Porath, Ittai; Vossenkamper, Anna; Muñoz-Espin, Daniel; O’Loghlen, Ana (Cell Press, 2019-06-25)
      [Abstract] Senescence is a cellular phenotype present in health and disease, characterized by a stable cell-cycle arrest and an inflammatory response called senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). The SASP is ...
    • Small extracellular vesicles have GST activity and ameliorate senescence-related tissue damage 

      Fafián Labora, Juan Antonio; Rodríguez-Navarro, José Antonio; O’Loghlen, Ana (Elsevier, 2020-07-07)
      [Abstract] Aging is a process of cellular and tissue dysfunction characterized by different hallmarks, including cellular senescence. However, there is proof that certain features of aging and senescence can be ameliorated. ...
    • Smart cities for wellbeing: youth employment and their skills on computers 

      Picatoste, Xosé; Pérez Ortiz, Laura; Ruesga Benito, Santos Miguel; Novo-Corti, Isabel (2018)
      [Abstract]: The smart cities can be understood as an inclusive space for each and everyone to achieve their best options, within the framework of sustainable development, where institutions boost information and technology ...
    • Smart cities to create opportunities for young people 

      Picatoste, Xosé; Novo-Corti, Isabel; Țîrcă, Diana Mihaela (Springer, 2019)
      [Abstract]: The urban environments in the Smart Cities create spaces of well-being and coexistence, in a healthy and environmental friendly framework. The technology and respect for the environment are located in the core ...
    • Smart Pipe System for a Shipyard 4.0 

      Fraga-Lamas, Paula; Noceda-Davila, Diego; Fernández-Caramés, Tiago M.; Díaz-Bouza, Manuel A.; Vilar-Montesinos, Miguel A. (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2016)
      [Abstract] As a result of the progressive implantation of the Industry 4.0 paradigm, many industries are experimenting a revolution that shipyards cannot ignore. Therefore, the application of the principles of Industry 4.0 ...
    • Smartphone-Based Game Development to Introduce K12 Students in Applied Artificial Intelligence 

      Guerreiro-Santalla, Sara; Mallo, Alma; Baamonde, Tamara; Bellas, Francisco (AAAI, 2022-06-28)
      [Abstract]: This paper presents a structured activity based on a game design to introduce k-12 students in the topic of super-vised machine learning from a practical perspective. The activity has been developed in the scope ...
    • Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics: A consistent model for interfacial multiphase fluid flow simulations 

      Krimi, Abdelkader; Rezoug, Mehdi; Khelladi, Sofiane; Nogueira, Xesús; Deligant, Michael; Ramírez, Luis (Elsevier, 2018)
      [Abstract:] In this work, a consistent Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) model to deal with interfacial multiphase fluid flows simulation is proposed. A modification to the Continuum Stress Surface formulation (CSS) ...
    • SMusket: Spark-based DNA error correction on distributed-memory systems 

      Expósito, Roberto R.; González-Domínguez, Jorge; Touriño, Juan (Elsevier B.V., 2020)
      [Abstract]: Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) technologies have revolutionized genomics research over the last decade, bringing new opportunities for scientists to perform groundbreaking biological studies. Error correction ...
    • SNOMED2HL7: a tool to normalize and bind SNOMED CT concepts to the HL7 Reference Information Model 

      Pérez-Rey, David; Alonso-Calvo, Raúl; Paraíso-Medina, Sergio; Munteanu, Cristian-Robert; García-Remesal, Miguel (Elsevier, 2017-10)
      [Abstract] BACKGROUND: Current clinical research and practice requires interoperability among systems in a complex and highly dynamic domain. There has been a significant effort in recent years to develop integrative common ...
    • SNP locator: a candidate SNP selection tool 

      Seoane, José A.; Aguiar-Pulido, Vanessa; Cabarcos, Alba; Quintela, Sonsoles; Rabuñal, Juan R.; Dorado, Julián (Inderscience, 2013)
      [Abstract] In this work, a data integration approach using a federated model based on a service oriented architecture (SOA) is presented. The BioMOBY middleware was used to implement each service which is part of the ...
    • Sobre a deíxe e os pronomes demostrativos 

      Sánchez-Rei, Xosé-Manuel (Universidade da Coruña, 2002)
      [Resumo] Este artigo está dedicado ao estudo dos demostrativos dun ponto de vista gramatical e tamén pragmático. Comeza coa súa morfoloxía moderna, as súas funcións sintácticas e o seu comportamento na deíxe. A este ...
    • Sobre a edição dos textos trovadorescos galego-portugueses. Novamente Meendinho 

      Ferreiro, Manuel (Universitá di Roma, 2007)
      [Resumo]O presente contributo pretende pôr em relevo alguns dos mais importantes problemas de edição que, após cem anos de investigação sobre o trovadorismo galego-português, ainda se presentam ao estudioso que se enfrenta ...
    • Sobre a partícula “ca” no corpus da lírica profana galego-portuguesa: integridade formal vs. elisión 

      Ferreiro, Manuel (Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas / Através Editora, 2012)
      [Resumo]A partir da teoría expresada por Cunha nos seus traballos de carácter métrico sobre a imposibilidade de elisión (e/ou sinalefa) na conxunción multifuncional “ca” (e tamén “que” e “se”) na lírica profana galego-portuguesa, ...
    • Sobre a posibilidade de elisión vocálica da conxunción “se” na poesía profana galego-portuguesa 

      Ferreiro, Manuel (Universidade de Santigo, Servizo de Publicacións, 2013)
      [Resumo] A partir da teoría formulada por Cunha sobre a imposibilidade de sinalefa e/ou crase da conxunción condicional se (e tamén que e ca) na poesía profana galego-portuguesa, neste artigo son estudados aqueles casos ...
    • Sobre a suposta crase de “que” na poesía trobadoresca galego-portuguesa 

      Ferreiro, Manuel (Associação Brasileira de Estudos Medievais; Universidade Federal do Ceará, 2009)
      [Resumo]A partir da teoría expresada por Cunha nos seus “Estudos de Versificação Portuguesa (Séculos XIII a XVI)”, volume publicado em 1982, sobre a imposibilidade de sinalefa e/ou crase das partículas gramaticais “que”, ...
    • Sobre el homoerotismo: tres ensayos inéditos. Introducción 

      Tasset, José L. (Editorial Laetoli, 2020-10-01)
      [Resumen] Este libro recoge tres ensayos del gran filósofo inglés Jeremy Bentham sobre las relaciones homoeróticas. No fueron publicados en vida del autor. No se atrevió a hacerlo, ni siquiera anónimamente. Su perspectiva ...