Browsing Investigación (ETSNM) by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 82
Work-Related Accidents in the Maritime Transport Sector
(Cambridge University Press, 2007)[Abstract] This article is partially based on the Doctoral thesis (Reference 1) entitled (in English) Working aboard and job-related accidents: Health and safety conditions on merchant vessel. Divided into four sections, ... -
Study of possibilities of using a steam plant type "reheat" and mixed boilers of coal and fuel-oil for the propulsion of bulkcarriers
(Universidad de Cantabria. ETS de Náutica, 2011)[Abstract] This study aims to analyze the possibilities of using a steam turbine plant for propulsion of vessels for transporting coal; and they use the coal carried by themselves as fuel to propulsion system. The study ... -
Legal gaps relating to labour safety and health in the maritime transport sector in Spain
(Via Medica Journals, 2011)[Abstract] Nowadays the labour sector is experiencing an important increase in the application of risk prevention policies. Although these policies are very significant due to their repercussions in the health of workers, ... -
Case study of safe working conditions in spanish merchant ships
(Walter de Gruyter, 2012)[Abstract] Objective: This paper aims to show a practical case study of safety assessment concerning possible injuries and fire occurring in the engine room on-board a merchant ship, due to fatigue. Methods: The methodology ... -
Accident Risk Factors in Conventional and High Speed Ferry Ships in Spain
(Universidad de Cantabria. ETS de Náutica, 2012)[Abstract] Objective: studying the basic causes of marine casualties in conventional and high speed passenger ships over short distances (ferry ships). Identification of risk factors for most common accidents. Method: a ... -
International regulations on labour health and safety applied to fishing and maritime transport sectors. Are maritime workers under-protected?
(Via Medica Journals, 2012)[Abstract] The work activity developed on board is of great importance in our nearby environment, and it has a series of peculiarities that determine the service rendering of sea workers. On the other hand, work at sea is ... -
New Climatic Indicators for Improving Urban Sprawl: A Case Study of Tehran City
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2013)In the modern world, the fine balance and delicate relationship between human society and the environment in which we exist has been affected by the phenomena of urbanisation and urban development. Today, various environmental ... -
A new procedure to analyze the effect of air changes in building energy consumption
(Springer, 2014)[Abstract] Background: Today, the International Energy Agency is working under good practice guides that integrate appropriate and cost effective technologies. In this paper a new procedure to define building energy ... -
Effect of climate change on outdoor termal comfort in humid climates
(Springer, 2014)[Abstract] Background: Galicia, in northwest Spain, experiences warm summers and winters. However, the higher relative humidity that prevails the whole year through and the location of the summer hot points are related ... -
On board LNG reliquefaction technology: a comparative study
(Walter de Gruyter, 2014)[Abstract] Reliquefaction technologies are being currently applied on board liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers on the basis of economic criteria and energy efficiency. A variety of reliquefaction techniques have been ... -
HTR-Based Power Plants’ Performance Analysis Applied on Conventional Combined Cycles
(Hindawi-Wiley, 2015)[Abstract] In high temperature reactors including gas cooled fast reactors and gas turbine modular helium reactors (GT-MHR) specifically designed to operate as power plant heat sources, efficiency enhancement at effective ... -
Working Conditions On Maritime Transport: Comparative Survey BetweenGalician Professionals And Spanish Shipping Companies
(Universidad de Cantabria. ETS de Náutica, 2015)[Abstract] The last report on the evolution of maritime workforce published by BIMCO in 2010 places the offi-cers’ current deficit in almost 14000. This data shows a trustworthy and growing problem of shortageof qualified ... -
Building construction materials effect in tropical wet and cold climates: A case study of office buildings in Cameroon
(Elsevier, 2016)[Abstract] This paper presents the results of an experimental study that was conducted in 15 office buildings in the humid and cold tropics during the working hours of the dry and rainy seasons in Cameroon. This was with ... -
Wind turbines design corrections for next Galicia climatic conditions
(Sharif University of Technology, 2017)[Abstract] Galicia, placed in northwest of Spain, is a clear example of global wind energy development as a consequence of its climate conditions. Despite this fact, previous research works have indicated a climate change ... -
Eco-friendly Pressure Drop Dehumidifier: An Experimental and Numerical Analysis
(2019)[Abstract] The northwest of Spain is defined by very high relative humidity values, with an average relative humidity of 85% throughout the year, which is considered too high by most standards and therefore can be related ... -
Primary conversion in non-resonant wave energy converter with floating buoy
(Universidad de Catabria, Spanish Society of Maritime Research (SEECMAR), 2019)[Abstract] This paper studies one of the technical problems that occur in the process of moving from ”waves toelectricity” in floating wave buoys converters located near the coast: to maximize the product force bydisplacement. ... -
Analysis and Comparison of Spatial–Temporal Entropy Variability of Tehran City Microclimate Based on Climate Change Scenarios
(MDPI, 2019)[Abstract] Urban microclimate patterns can play a great role for the allocation and management of cooling and heating energy sources, urban design and architecture, and urban heat island control. Therefore, the present ... -
A Novel Method for nZEB Internal Coverings Design Based on Neural Networks
(2019)[Abstract] Research from the International Energy Agency about indoor ambiences and nearly zero energy buildings (nZEB) in the past has been centred on di erent aspects such as the prediction of indoor conditions as a ... -
A Novel Method Based on Neural Networks for Designing Internal Coverings in Buildings: Energy Saving and Thermal Comfort
(2019)[Abstract] Although several papers define energy saving and thermal comfort optimization with internal coverings materials, none of them deal with predictive models to improve design in building constructions. Thus, ... -
Generation of H₂ on Board Lng Vessels for Consumption in the Propulsion System
(Sciendo, 2020)[Abstract] At present, LNG vessels without reliquefaction plants consume the BOG (boil-off gas) in their engines and the excess is burned in the gas combustion unit without recovering any of its energy content. Excess BOG ...