Fatigue due to on board work conditions in merchant vessels

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Fatigue due to on board work conditions in merchant vesselsData
2020Cita bibliográfica
Costa, A.M., Bouzón, R., Orosa, J.A., & Campa Portela, R.M.(2020). Fatigue due to on board work conditions in merchant vessels. En: F.J. Martínez de Osés, M. Castells Sanabra, A. Martin Mallofré, & J.M. Puente Martorell (eds.), "Maritime Transport VIII : proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Maritime Transport : Technology, Innovation and Research : Maritime Transport'20". Barcelona: Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament de Ciència i Enginyeria Nàutiques, 2020, p. 368-388. ISBN 978-84-9880-827-8.
[Abstract] Several publications point to the human error like the fundamental cause of the practical whole
of the accidents. Inside these accidents, the fatigue has been identified like a recurrent cause,
already was as first cause or like an important factor that produces the human error.
Investigations carried out during the course of these years have shown that the chronic fatigue
problems, the problems related to the stress and other problems of the health are associated
with the conditions of work on board. On board, the fatigue related to the work depends directly
on the characteristics on the work environment that the worker is exposed and, specifically, to
the type of demands imposed by the task.
With the aim to define in an objective way the levels of fatigue associated with the tasks and
related aspects of the engineering department crew on board merchant vessels, a survey on
workers of this department was conducted. The results showed a high level of complexity in the
work performed due to the tremendous physical and mental needs required to perform the
typical tasks on board these vessels.
Palabras chave
Human Factor
Work Conditions
Human Factor
Work Conditions
Versión do editor
Reconocimiento-NoComercial-SinObraDerivada 3.0 España