Gender wage gap, quality of earnings and gender digital divide in the European context
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Gender wage gap, quality of earnings and gender digital divide in the European contextData
2023Cita bibliográfica
Picatoste, X., Mesquita, A. & González-Laxe, F. (2023). Gender wage gap, quality of earnings and gender digital divide in the European context. Empirica 50, 301–321
[Abstract]: One of the leading national and international objectives is to achieve more egalitarian societies. Avoiding gender or digital gaps are priorities generally assumed as
concerns of governments and international organizations. This paper evaluates the
digital gender divide in its three stages: access, use and results, relating it to gender
and salary gaps in the context of the European Union. Cluster analysis was conducted to classify the countries according to their gender digital divide. The infuence of age and studies level of males and females was revised. Based on the OECD
and EUROSTAT data, an empirical analysis was conducted. By comparison of
means, the signifcant variables infuencing the gender digital divide were identifed,
probing that the educational level signifcantly infuences it, especially in what refers
to the third stage. Finally, through a regression analysis, it was proved that the infuence of the insecurity and the gender wage gap goes beyond the women and afects
Palabras chave
Gender digital divide
Wage gap
Gender gap
Female employment
Work precariousness
Digital skills
Wage gap
Gender gap
Female employment
Work precariousness
Digital skills
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Atribución 4.0 Internacional