Browsing Investigación (FEE) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 893
A case study of agri-food systems in rural Spain: Impacts, responses and institutional lessons
(2022)[Abstract]Galicia is one of Spain's leading regions regarding agricultural and livestock production. In the light of the COVID-19 crisis, the permeability to the economic shocks of these sectors led to an unprecedented ... -
A Clustered-Based Segmentation of Beer Consumers: From “Beer Lovers” to “Beer to Fuddle”
(Emerald, 2018)[Abstract] Purpose: New trends are emerging in the brewery sector; but to date beer consumer segmentations are scarce. In this context, the present study addresses the following questions: “Are beer consumers monolithic ... -
A configuración histórica do sistema hospitalario público e privado en España desde unha perspectiva territorial: un estudo a través do caso galego
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2023)[Resumo]: Os hospitais convertéronse hoxe en día en espazos estratéxicos de investigación científica, formación médica e atención clínica, á vez que en eixes centrais do noso sistema de saúde e do noso estado do benestar. ... -
A crise dos medios en galego: informe
(Colexio Profesional dos Medios en Galego, 2013) -
A Cross-Generational Analysis of Second-Hand Online Shopping: Comparing GenX, Millennials and GenZ
(Emerald, 2025)[Abstract] Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine whether there are differences in second-hand online shopping behavior driven by the generational cohort. Design/methodology/approach: Based on the generational ... -
A dinámica do cambio dende a perspectiva da demanda: o consumo de carne en Galicia, 1891-1935
(Deputación Provincial de Ourense, 1998)[Resumo] Os principais estudos que fan referencia o sector cárnico en Galicia (Carmona, 1982; Barreiro, 1990) téñense centrado sobre a oferta, básicamente a comercialización do gando vacuno. Porén, descoñecemos totalmente ... -
A Dynamic Behavioral Model of the Credit Boom
(Taylor & Francis, 2015)[Abstract] In this paper we provide a dynamic model of banking competition where bounded rationality of some competitors explains how the credit cycle is amplified. We model the economic cycle following Rötheli (2012b) ... -
A Dynamic Model for Construction and Demolition (C&D) Waste Management in Spain: Driving Policies Based on Economic Incentives and Tax Penalties
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2014)According to the recent Spanish legislation, the amount of non-hazardous construction and demolition waste (C&D waste) by weight must be reduced by at least 70% by 2020. However, the current behavior of the stakeholders ... -
A elección de padriños de bautismo en Portomarín (séculos XVII-XIX)
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas-CSIC, 2021)[Resumo]: A vila de Portomarín foi, durante toda a Idade Moderna, un núcleo de importancia no centro da diocese de Lugo. No presente texto abórdase a elección que os proxenitores residentes na devandita vila fixeron para ... -
A firm-industry analysis of services versus manufacturing
(2022)[Abstract]: In the literature on the firm-industry debate to explain organizational performance the firm effect has been more supported than the industry effect by empirical studies, mainly focused on manufacturing firms ... -
A generalized NEG wage-type equation
(Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2015-10-01)[Abstract]: This chapter discusses several controversial issues of the New Economic Geography (NEG) theory, focusing on some problems of interpretation regarding the estimation results of a wage equation. In order to do ... -
A guide on empirical tests of the EMH
(Emerald, 2019)[Abstract]: Purpose – The efficient market hypothesis (EMH) states that asset prices in financial markets always reflect all available information about economic fundamentals. The purpose of this paper is to provide a ... -
A implantación territorial do agrarismo católico galego (1909-1943)
(Sotelo Blanco, 1988) -
A importancia económica da pesca en Galicia
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2018)[Resumo]: Analizar a importancia económica da pesca require de información económica detallada respecto dos inputs, os empregos dos produtos ou a demanda, sendo as táboas input-output a ferramenta que mello ... -
A long-term marriage in an urban context: the retail structure of La Coruña during the first third of the twentieth century
(Francis & Taylor/Routledge, 2017)[Abstract]: The paper analyses some issues related to the structure and evolution of retail in a medium-sized Spanish city, from the early twentieth century to the Civil War (1936–1939), trying to place it in the context ... -
A Mathematical Model for the Role of Third Party Funding in Reputation Building of Academic Institutions
(Springer, 2020)[Abstract] Previous research on third party funding for academic institutions has demonstrated that it entails positive and negative outcomes. This manuscript deals with this idea from a reputational perspective, using the ... -
A means of assessing the wastage of efficiency in undergraduate education
(Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2011)[Abstract]: The aim of this paper is to propose an indicator that measures the wastage of efficiency in the undergraduate university educational process. Taking the indicator proposed by Rao and Tikkiwal (1966), and its ... -
A New Educational Pattern in Response to New Technologies and Sustainable Development. Enlightening ICT Skills for Youth Employability in the European Union
(Elsevier, 2018)[Abstract]: The so-called fourth revolution is underway and its impact is appreciated in societies and in the way of life of people, particularly due to its effects on the labor market. The disruption generated by the ... -
A Note on the Concavity of the Happiness Function in Family Support
(Economics Bulletin, 2020)[Abstract] In the happiness literature, there is an extensive debate about the diminishing marginal utility of income. However, this issue is neglected when considering another critical driver of happiness, social capital, ...