Mostrando ítems 31-35 de 127

    • Percentiles and Principal Component Analysis of Physical Fitness From a Big Sample of Children and Adolescents Aged 6-18 Years: The DAFIS Project 

      Iglesias-Soler, Eliseo; Rúa-Alonso, María; Rial-Vázquez, Jessica; Lete-Lasa, José-Ramón; Clavel San Emeterio, Iván; Giráldez-García, Manuel Avelino; Rico-Díaz, Javier; Rodríguez-Del Corral, Miguel; Carballeira, Eduardo; Dopico-Calvo, Xurxo (Rubén Maneiro, 2021-02-19)
      [Abstract] Assessing physical fitness has emerged as a proxy of the health status of children and adolescents and therefore as relevant from a public health point of view. DAFIS is a project included in Plan Galicia Saudable ...
    • Clinical and neuropsychological correlates of prefrailty syndrome 

      Lorenzo-López, Laura; Blanco-Fandiño, J.; Cibeira, Nuria; Buján, Ana; López-López, Rocío; Maseda, Ana; Millán-Calenti, José Carlos (Frontiers Media S.A., 2020-11-09)
      [Abstract] Physical frailty is closely associated with cognitive impairment. We aim to investigate the neuropsychological profiles of prefrail and non-frail dementia-free community-dwelling older adults using a comprehensive ...
    • Is sensory loss an understudied risk factor for frailty? a systematic review and meta-analysis 

      Tan, Benjamin Kye Jyn; Man, Ryan Eyn Kidd; Gan, Alfred Tau Liang; Fenwick, Eva K; Varadaraj, Varshini; Swenor, Bonnielin K.; Gupta, Preeti; Wong, Tien Yin; Trevisan, Caterina; Lorenzo-López, Laura; Millán-Calenti, José Carlos; Schwanke, Carla Helena Augustin; Liljas, Ann; Al Snih, Soham; Tokuda, Yasuharu; Lamoureux, Ecosse Luc (Oxford Academic, 2020-07-06)
      [Abstract] Background. Age-related sensory loss and frailty are common conditions among older adults, but epidemiologic research on their possible links has been inconclusive. Clarifying this relationship is important ...
    • Serum cortisol but not oxidative stress biomarkers are related to frailty: results of a cross-sectional study in Spanish older adults 

      Marcos-Pérez, Diego; Sánchez-Flores, María; Maseda, Ana; Lorenzo-López, Laura; Millán-Calenti, José Carlos; Pásaro, Eduardo; Laffon, Blanca; Valdiglesias, Vanessa (Taylor&Francis, 2019-08-13)
      [Abstract] Frailty is a multidimensional geriatric syndrome of loss of reserves and increased vulnerability to negative health outcomes. Cortisol, the major hormone of the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis, and ...
    • Application of light therapy in older adults with cognitive impairment: A systematic review 

      Cibeira, Nuria; Maseda, Ana; Lorenzo-López, Laura; Rodríguez-Villamil, José Luis; López-López, Rocío; Millán-Calenti, José Carlos (Elsevier, 2020-08-02)
      [Abstract] This systematic review aims to assess the efficacy of light therapy on behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD), cognition, functional status, and quality of life in older adults with cognitive ...