6th International Workshop on Rock Physics: A Coruña, Spain 13 -17 June 2022: Book of Abstracts

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6th International Workshop on Rock Physics: A Coruña, Spain 13 -17 June 2022: Book of AbstractsAlternative Title(s)
6IWRP: A Coruña, 2022Date
6th International Workshop on Rock Physics: A Coruña, Spain 13 -17 June 2022: Book of Abstracts. Jordi Delgado Martín, Andrea Muñoz-Ibáñez, Ismael Himar Falcón-Suárez (eds.). A Coruña : Universidade da Coruña, Servizo de Publicacións, 2022. 134 p. DOI: https://doi.org/10.17979/spudc.000005
[Abstract] The 6th International Workshop on Rock Physics (6IWRP) was held A Coruña, Spain, between 13th and 17th of June, 2022. This meeting follows the track of the five successful encounters held in Golden (USA, 2011), Southampton (UK, 2013), Perth (Australia, 2015), Trondheim (Norway, 2017) and Hong Kong (China, 2019). The aim of the workshop was to bring together experiences allowing to illustrate, discuss and exchange recent advances in the wide realm of rock physics, including theoretical developments, in situ and laboratory scale experiments as well as digital analysis. While rock physics is at the core of the oil & gas industry applications, it is also essential to enable the energy transition challenge (e.g. CO2 and H2 storage, geothermal), ensure a safe and adequate use of natural resources and develop efficient waste management strategies.
The topics of 6IWRP covered a broad spectrum of rock physics-related research activities, including:
• Experimental rock physics. New techniques, approaches and applications; Characterization of the static and dynamic properties of rocks and fluids; Multiphysics measurements (NMR, electrical resistivity…); Deep/crustal scale rock physics.
• Modelling and multiscale applications: from the lab to the field. Numerical analysis and model development; Data science applications; Upscaling; Microseismicity and earthquakes; Subsurface stresses and tectonic deformations.
• Coupled phenomena and rock properties: exploring interactions. Anisotropy; Flow and fractures; Temperature effects; Rock-fluid interaction; Fluid and pressure effects on geophysical signatures.
• The energy transition challenge. Applications to energy storage (hydrogen storage in porous media), geothermal resources, energy production (gas hydrates), geological utilization and storage of CO2, nuclear waste disposal.
• Rock physics templates: advances and applications. Quantitative assessment; Applications to reser voir characterization (role of seismic wave anisotropy and fracture networks).
• Advanced rock physics tools. Machine learning; application of imaging (X-ray CT, X-ray μCT, FIB-SEM…) to obtain rock proper ties.
This book compiles more than 50 abstracts, summarizing the works presented in the 6IWRP by rock physicists from all over the world, belonging to both academia and industry. This book means an updated overview of the rock physics research worldwide.
Rock Physics
Rock Physics
Collection: Cursos e Congresos_CCS; 152
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Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-SA 4.0)