Mostrando ítems 11-13 de 13

    • Marianne Weber: Max Weber. Una biografía 

      Cobo Bedía, Rosa (Universidade da Coruña, 1996)
    • La iluminación carismática de la razón 

      Giner, Salvador (Universidade da Coruña, 1996)
      [Abstract] This essay exan1ines the nature and n1utual relationship between reason and faith as well as its modern versión confronting rationality and irrationality, finding out S0111e doubts emerging from the difference ...
    • Antropología social e historia local 

      Godelier, Maurice (Universidade da Coruña, 1996)
      [Abstract] In arder to understand the existence of any local group in the present, we lT1USt study either its history as the position it occupies inside more global unities (tribes, states or world systeIns). The author ...