Mostrando ítems 96-100 de 100

    • Generation of a human control iPS cell line (ESi080‐A) from a donor with no rheumatic diseases 

      Castro Viñuelas, Rocío; Sanjurjo-Rodríguez, Clara; Piñeiro-Ramil, María; Rodríguez-Fernández, Silvia; Fuentes Boquete, Isaac Manuel; Blanco García, Francisco J; Díaz-Prado, Silvia (Elsevier, 2020-03)
      [Abstract] Here, we report the establishment of the human iPS cell line N1-FiPS4F#7 generated from skin cells of a patient with no rheumatic diseases, thus obtaining an appropriate control iPS cell line for researchers ...
    • Mitochondrial genetics and epigenetics in osteoarthritis 

      Rego-Pérez, Ignacio; Durán-Sotuela, Alejandro; Ramos-Louro, Paula; Blanco García, Francisco J (Frontiers, 2020-01-17)
      [Abstract] During recent years, the significant influence of mitochondria on osteoarthritis (OA), the most common joint disease, has been consistently demonstrated. Not only mitochondrial dysfunction but also mitochondrial ...
    • All-trans retinoic acid inhibits migration and invasiveness of rheumatoid fibroblast-like synoviocytes 

      Rodríguez Trillo, Ángela; Blanco García, Francisco J; Mera-Varela, Antonio; González, Antonio; Conde, Carmen; Mosquera, Nerea (American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET), 2020-02)
      [Abstract] Fibroblast-like synoviocytes (FLSs) are pivotal in inflammation and joint damage of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). They acquire an active and aggressive phenotype, displaying increased migration and invasiveness and ...
    • Impact of prevalence ratios of chondroitin sulfate (CS)- 4 and -6 isomers derived from marine sources in cell proliferation and chondrogenic differentiation processes 

      López-Senra, Estefanía; Casal-Beiroa, Paula; López-Álvarez, Miriam; Serra, Julia; González, Pío; Valcárcel, Jesús; Vázquez, José Antonio; Burguera, Elena F.; Blanco García, Francisco J; Magalhaes, J. (MDPI, 2020-01-31)
      [Abstract] Osteoarthritis is the most prevalent rheumatic disease. During disease progression, differences have been described in the prevalence of chondroitin sulfate (CS) isomers. Marine derived-CS present a higher ...
    • The importance of the mediastinal triangle in traumatic lesions of the aorta 

      Gulías Soidán, Daniel; Fraga-Manteiga, Daniel; Mosquera Rodríguez, Víctor Xesús; Marini Díaz, Milagros; López Bargiela, Paula; González-Martín, Cristina; Balboa-Barreiro, Vanesa (MDPI, 2019)
      [Abstract] Background: Trauma-induced aortic injuries continue to be an important factor in morbimortality in patients with blunt trauma. Objectives: To determine the characteristics of aortic lesions in patients with ...