Mostrando ítems 41-45 de 103

    • Awake prone decubitus positioning in COVID-19 patients: a systematic review and metaanalysis 

      García, Agustín; Galeiras, Rita; Pértega-Díaz, Sonia (Sciendo, 2023-05-08)
      [Abstract] To date, recommendations for the implementation of awake prone positioning in patients with hypoxia secondary to SARSCoV2 infection have been extrapolated from prior studies on respiratory distress. Thus, we ...
    • Psycho-emotional distress in children and adolescents in relation to COVID-19 confinement and pandemic: a systematized review 

      García-Rodríguez, María Teresa; Juanatey-Rodríguez, Iria; Seijo-Bestilleiro, Rocío; González-Martín, Cristina (Springer Nature, 2023-04-15)
      [Abstract] A stressor such as a pandemic is a trigger to focus on the study of the psycho-emotional impact on children and adolescents from a nursing care perspective. The aim of this systematized review was to know the ...
    • Foot health in people with cancer undergoing chemotherapy: a scoping review 

      Veiga-Seijo, Raquel; González-Martín, Cristina (MDPI, 2023-05-29)
      [Abstract] Background: Chemotherapy has relevant implications for cancer patients’ physical, social, and psychological health. Foot health has gained relevance in recent years due to its importance to independence and ...
    • Anti-inflammatory potential of ulvan 

      Flórez-Fernández, Noelia; Rodríguez-Coello, Arianna; Latire, Thomas; Bourgougnon, Natalie; Torres, María Dolores; Buján, Manuela; Muíños, Alexandra; Muíños, Antonio; Meijide-Faílde, Rosa; Blanco García, Francico J; Vaamonde-García, Carlos; Domínguez, Herminia (Elsevier, 2023-12-31)
      [Abstract] Green seaweeds are a widespread group of marine macroalgae that could be regarded as biorenewable source of valuable compounds, in particular sulfated polysaccharides like ulvans with interesting biological ...
    • An atlas of the knee joint proteins and their role in osteoarthritis defined by literature mining 

      Paz-González, Rocío; Lourido, Lucía; Calamia, Valentina; Fernández-Puente, Patricia; Quaranta, Patricia; Picchi, Florencia; Blanco García, Francico J; Ruiz-Romero, Cristina (Elsevier, 2023-08)
      [Abstract] Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent rheumatic pathology. However, OA is not simply a process of wear and tear affecting articular cartilage but rather a disease of the entire joint. One of the most common ...