Mostrando ítems 21-25 de 45

    • Gaia Data Release 3: Catalogue validation 

      Babusiaux, C.; Álvarez, M. A.; Dafonte, Carlos; Manteiga, Minia; Santoveña, Raúl; Torralba Elipe, Guillermo (EDP Sciences, 2023-06)
      [Abstract]: Context. The third Gaia data release (DR3) provides a wealth of new data products. The early part of the release, Gaia EDR3, already provided the astrometric and photometric data for nearly two billion sources. ...
    • Network Data Flow Clustering based on Unsupervised Learning 

      López-Vizcaíno, Manuel F.; Dafonte, Carlos; Nóvoa, Francisco; Garabato, D.; Álvarez, M. A.; Fernández, Diego (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2019)
      [Abstract]: Network communication data analysis is crucial in order to provide an adequate security level in computer infrastructures. As the volume of data and the number of features rise, the difficulties associated with ...
    • The Evolution of the (Hidden) Web and its Hidden Data 

      Álvarez Díaz, Manuel; Prieto Álvarez, Víctor Manuel; Cacheda, Fidel (IGI Global, 2015)
      This paper presents an analysis of the most important features of the Web and its evolution and implications on the tools that traverse it to index its content to be searched later. It is important to remark that some of ...
    • Optimization Techniques to Speed Up the Page Loading in Custom Web Browsers 

      Losada Pérez, José; Raposo Santiago, Juan; Pan Bermúdez, Carlos Alberto; Montoto, Paula; Álvarez Díaz, Manuel (IEEE, 2015)
      [Absctract]: Web automation applications are widely used for different purposes such as B2B integration, web mashups, automated testing of web applications, Internet metasearch or technology and business watch. One crucial ...
    • Distributed and Collaborative Web Change Detection System 

      Prieto Álvarez, Víctor Manuel; Álvarez Díaz, Manuel; Carneiro, Víctor; Cacheda, Fidel (ComSIS Consortium, 2015)
      [Absctract]: Search engines use crawlers to traverse the Web in order to download web pages and build their indexes. Maintaining these indexes up-to-date is an essential task to ensure the quality of search results. ...