• A single nucleotide polymorphism in the Il17ra promoter is associated with functional severity of ankylosing spondylitis 

      Vidal-Castiñeira, José Ramón; López-Vázquez, Antonio; Díaz-Peña, Alberto; Díaz-Bulnes, Paula; Martínez-Camblor, Pablo; Coto, Eliecer; Coto-Segura, Pablo; Bruges-Armas, Jacome; PInto, José Antonio; Blanco García, Francisco J; Sánchez, Alejandra; Mulero, Juan; Queiro, Rubén; López-Larrea, Carlos (PLoS, 2016-07-14)
      [Abstract] The aim of this study was to identify new genetic variants associated with the severity of ankylosing spondylitis (AS). We sequenced the exome of eight patients diagnosed with AS, selected on the basis of the ...
    • Generating Rho-0 cells using mesenchymal stem cell lines 

      Fernández-Moreno, Mercedes; Hermida Gómez, Tamara; Gallardo, M. Esther; Dalmao-Fernández, Andrea; Rego-Pérez, Ignacio; Garesse, Rafael; Blanco García, Francisco J (PLoS, 2016-10-20)
      [Abstract] Introduction, The generation of Rho-0 cells requires the use of an immortalization process, or tumor cell selection, followed by culture in the presence of ethidium bromide (EtBr), incurring the drawbacks its ...
    • Plasma mitochondrial DNA levels are inversely associated with HIV-RNA levels and directly with CD4 counts: potential role as a biomarker of HIV replication 

      Pernas, Berta; Rego-Pérez, Ignacio; Tabernilla, Andrés; Balboa-Barreiro, Vanesa; Relaño, Sara; Grandal, Marta; Crespo, Manuel; Mena, Álvaro; Castro-Iglesias, Ángeles; Blanco García, Francisco J; Poveda, Eva (Oxford, 2017-08-31)
      [Abstract] Objectives. To evaluate plasma mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) levels among HIV-infected patients and its potential role as a biomarker of residual viral replication. Methods. HIV-infected patients on follow-up at a ...