Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Effect of oil and dispersant on growth and chlorophyll a content of the marine microalga Tetraselmis Suecica
(American Society for Microbiology, 1984)
[Abstract] Low hydrocarbon concentrations stimulated the growth of Tetraselmis suecica, whereas higher concentrations (200 ppm) inhibited growth. The content of chlorophyll a in this microalga was affected in a similar ...
Growth of the marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica in batch cultures with different salinities and nutrient concentrations
(Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984)
The marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica is known for its ability to tolerate a wide range of salt concentrations. Cultures were grown under 48 different nutrient concentration-salinity conditions, ranging from 2 to 64 mM ...
High yield mixotrophic cultures of the marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica (Kylin) Butcher (Prasinophyceae)
(Springer, 1992-03)
The effects of three organic compounds were tested on one of the most used marine micro-algae in the aquaculture of molluscs and crustaceans, Tetraselmis suecica. Studies were made in axenic conditions with yeast extract, ...
Cadmium removal by living cells of the marine microalgaTetraselmis suecica
[Abstract] Cadmium removal by living cells of the marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica was tested in cultures exposed to different cadmium concentrations (0.6, 3, 6, 15, 30 and 45 mg/l). The EC50 for growth was 7.9 mg Cd/l ...
Nutritional properties of four marine microalgae for albino rats
(Springer, 1993-12)
The nutritive value of the marine microalgaeTetraselmis suecica, Isochrysis galbana, Dunaliella tertiolecta and Chlorella stigmatophora was studied in diets given to rats. Biological assays were carried out in order to ...
Yields in biomass and chemical constituents of four commercially important marine microalgae with different culture media
(Elsevier, 1991)
The use of the commercial nutrient Algal-1 was studied in mass cultures of the marine microalgaeTetraselmis suecica, Dunaliella tertiolecta, Isochrysis galbana and Phaeodactylum tricornutum, in comparison with the use of ...
Sorption isotherm studies of Cd(II) ions using living cells of the marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica (Kylin) Butch
[Abstract]The present work reports the use of living cells of the marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica for the biosorption of cadmium ions. For a better understanding of the biosorption characteristics, three fractions of ...
Approach to biomass production of the marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica (kylin) butch using common garden fertilizer and soil extract as cheap nutrient supply in batch cultures
(Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, 1987)
We report the possibility of an economic cultivation of the marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica, using different mixtures of a common garden fertilizer, soil extract, micronutrients and vitamins. Maximum cellular densities ...
Mass culture and biochemical variability of the marine microalga Tetraselmis suecica Kylin (Butch) with high nutrient concentrations
(Elsevier Science Publishers, 1985)
Mass cultures of Tetraselmis suecica were carried out with four nutrient concentrations, ranging from 2 to 16 mM of NaNO3 and salinity 35‰. An air flow of 15 l/min maintained a CO2 transference rate sufficient to keep the ...
Crecimiento y composición bioquímica de la microalga marina Tetraselmis suecica en cultivos mixotróficos con distintos azúcares y aminoácidos
(Station Biologique de Roscoff, 1992)
[Résumé] Croissance et composition biochimique de la microalgue TetrasellIIis sllecica dans des cultures mixotrophiques
avec différents sucres et aminoacides. Trois sucres, fructose, saccharose et manose et trois acides ...