Mostrando ítems 51-55 de 163

    • The mechanistic foundation of Weber’s law 

      Pardo-Vázquez, José L.; Castiñeiras-de Saa, Juan R.; Valente, Mafalda; Damiao, Iris; Costa, Tiago; Vicente, M. Inés; Mendonça, André G.; Mainen, Zachary F.; Renart, Alfonso (Nature, 2019-08-12)
      [Abstract] Although Weber's law is the most firmly established regularity in sensation, no principled way has been identified to choose between its many proposed explanations. We investigated Weber's law by training rats ...
    • Hyperthermia-Induced Changes in EEG of Anesthetized Mice Subjected to Passive Heat Exposure 

      Labra, Carmen de; Pardo-Vázquez, José L.; Cudeiro, Javier; Rivadulla, Casto (Frontiers, 2021-09-09)
      [Abstract] Currently, the role of hypothermia in electroencephalography (EEG) is well-established. However, few studies have investigated the effect of hyperthermia on EEG, an important physiological parameter governing ...
    • State-dependent geometry of population activity in rat auditory cortex 

      Kobak, Dmitry; Pardo-Vázquez, José L.; Valente, Mafalda; Machens, Christian K.; Renart, Alfonso (eLife Sciences, 2019-04-10)
      [Abstract] The accuracy of the neural code depends on the relative embedding of signal and noise in the activity of neural populations. Despite a wealth of theoretical work on population codes, there are few empirical ...
    • Análisis de la situación de la fisioterapia en los centros educativos en España 

      García-González, A.; Pérez-Caramés, Antía; Martínez-Rodríguez, Alicia; Silvestre-Vicent, A.; Matey-Rodríguez, C.; Robles-García, Verónica (Elsevier, 2021-09-04)
      [Resumen] Antecedentes y objetivo. El alumnado con necesidades educativas especiales puede necesitar el apoyo específico y especializado de fisioterapia, con el fin de facilitar el desarrollo de su máximo potencial y ayudar ...
    • Influence of Unstable Shoes on Women With Lumbopelvic Postpartum Pain: Randomized Clinical Trial 

      Díaz-Meco Conde, Raquel; Ruiz Ruiz, Beatriz; Rubio Alonso, Margarita; Calvo-Lobo, César; Labra, Carmen de; López-López, Daniel; Romero Morales, Carlos (Scielo, 2021-07)
      [Abstract] Background: Back pain is a normal symptom during pregnancy and is expected to become worse beyond the first three months after childbirth. Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of wearing unstable shoes ...