Mostrando ítems 161-163 de 163

    • A realistic computational model of the local circuitry of the cuneate nucleus 

      Sánchez Vila, Eduardo; Barro Ameneiro, Senén; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Canedo Lamas, Antonio (Springer, 2001)
      Intracellular recordings obtained under cutaneous and lemniscal stimulation show that the afferent fibers can establish excitatory and inhibitory synaptic connections with cuneothalamic neurons [5]. In addition, distinct ...
    • Coupled slow and delta oscillations between cuneothalamic and thalamocortical neurons in the chloralose anesthetized cat 

      Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Martínez Otero, Luis Miguel; Canedo Lamas, Antonio (Elsevier, 1996)
      Simultaneous recordings were obtained from cuneothalamic (extracellular) and thalamocortical (intracellular) cells in chloralose anesthetized cats. It was found that cuneothalamic neurons present slow rhythmicity (0.1–1 ...
    • Modelling the circuitry of the cuneate nucleus 

      Sánchez Vila, Eduardo; Barro Ameneiro, Senén; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Canedo Lamas, Antonio; Vázquez Muñíz, Pablo José (Springer, 1999)
      Experimental data recorded in cat "in vivo" offer a new picture of the cuneate nucleus. Clasically definied as a simple relay station, the cuneate nucleus is currently seen as a fundamental stage in somatosensory information ...