• Lecciones de agresión desde la prisión 

      Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Universitat de València, 2023-12)
      [Resumen] Si te asignan un cuarto en la sección conocida como corredor de la muerte de algún centro penitenciario que posea ese lamentable anexo, lo más probable es que hayas cometido un crimen de especial magnitud. Lo que ...
    • Lemniscal recurrent and transcortical influences on cuneate neurons 

      Canedo Lamas, Antonio; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Aguilar Fernández, Jaime (Elsevier, 2000)
      [Abstract] Intracellular recordings were obtained from cuneate neurons of chloralose-anesthetized, paralysed cats to study the synaptic responses induced by electrical stimulation of the contralateral medial lemniscus. ...
    • Local networks in visual cortex and their influence on neuronal responses and dynamics 

      Schummers, James; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Sur, Mriganka (Elsevier, 2005-11-07)
      [Abstract] Networks of neurons in the cerebral cortex generate complex outputs that are not simply predicted by their inputs. These emergent responses underlie the function of the cortex. Understanding how cortical networks ...
    • Looking back: corticothalamic feedback and early visual processing 

      Cudeiro, Javier; Sillito, Adam M. (Elsevier, 2006)
      [Abstract] Although once regarded as a simple sensory relay on the way to the cortex, it is increasingly apparent that the thalamus has a role in the ongoing moment-by-moment processing of sensory input and in cognition. ...
    • Low-cost virtual reality system in evaluation of rhythmic motor patterns in elderly and Parkinsonian patients 

      Sanmartín, Gabriel; Flores, Julián; Robles-García, Verónica; Arias, Pablo; Cudeiro, Javier (MIT Press, 2014-04-30)
      [Abstract] This work details a Virtual Reality (VR) system developed to evaluate and potentially treat alterations in hand movements and central rhythm formation in Parkinsonian and Elderly subjects. An essential feature ...
    • Magnetic field strength and reproducibility of neodymium magnets useful for transcranial static magnetic field stimulation of the human cortex 

      Rivadulla, Casto; Foffani, Guglielmo; Oliviero, Antonio (Wiley, 2013-10-11)
      [Abstract] Objective. The application of transcranial static magnetic field stimulation (tSMS) in humans reduces the excitability of the motor cortex for a few minutes after the end of stimulation. However, when tSMS is ...
    • La melodía es el mensaje 

      Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Universitat de València, 2023-03)
      [Resumen] Los humanos somos seres altriciales. Eso quiere decir que nacemos muy inmaduros, nos falta un hervor. Les pasa a más animales, en especial a aquellos que son depredadores y que pueden permitirse el lujo de tener ...
    • La memoria de las manos 

      Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Universitat de València, 2022-03)
      [Resumen] El día que compré una réplica de la Venus de Willendorf no la miré. Guardé la pequeña figura en el bolsillo y esperé a sentarme en un lugar tranquilo. Ese lugar resultó ser un salón de actos en el que se proyectaba ...
    • Mixed burst and tonic firing in the thalamus: a study in the feline lateral geniculate nucleus in vivo 

      Grieve, Kenneth; Rivadulla, Casto; Cudeiro, Javier (Elsevier, 2009)
      [Abstract] Compounds known to inhibit or disfacilitate cells in cat dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) were applied iontophoretically in vivo. Application of GABA, or agonists of GABAA and GABAB receptors, markedly ...
    • Modelling the circuitry of the cuneate nucleus 

      Sánchez Vila, Eduardo; Barro Ameneiro, Senén; Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Canedo Lamas, Antonio; Vázquez Muñíz, Pablo José (Springer, 1999)
      Experimental data recorded in cat "in vivo" offer a new picture of the cuneate nucleus. Clasically definied as a simple relay station, the cuneate nucleus is currently seen as a fundamental stage in somatosensory information ...
    • Modulatory effects mediated by metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 on lateral geniculate nucleus relay cells 

      Labra, Carmen de; Rivadulla, Casto; Cudeiro, Javier (Wiley, 2005-01-18)
      [Abstract] Glutamate is thought to be the excitatory neurotransmitter in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) of the cat, mediating visual transmission from the retina via ionotropic receptors of both d,l-α-amino-3-hydro ...
    • Motor facilitation during real-time movement imitation in Parkinson’s disease: a virtual reality study 

      Robles-García, Verónica; Arias, Pablo; Sanmartín, Gabriel; Espinosa, Nelson; Flores, Julián; Grieve, Kenneth; Cudeiro, Javier (Elsevier, 2013-08-06)
      [Abstract] Background: Impaired temporal stability and poor motor unit recruitment are key impairments in Parkinsonian motor control during a whole spectrum of rhythmic movements, from simple finger tapping to gait. Therapies ...
    • El mundo visual: percibiendo el futuro 

      Cudeiro, Javier (Sociedad Española de Oftalmología, 2008)
    • La musicoterapia durante procedimientos en los pacientes quemados 

      Amado Vázquez, María Eugenia; Chouza-Insua, Marcelo (Proyecto Lumbre, 2020-12)
      [Resumen] Introducción: en este artículo, se resume una de las pocas revisiones sistemáticas con metaanálisis publicadas sobre los efectos de la musicoterapia en los pacientes quemados. Material y métodos: en la revisión, ...
    • Nitric oxide-mediated cortical activation: a diffuse wake-up system 

      Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo; Cudeiro, Javier (Society of Neuroscience, 2003)
      Nitric oxide (NO) has been implicated in some of the central pathways engaged in the regulation of the sleep–wake cycle. The existence of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) in the cholinergic basal forebrain (BF) cells projecting ...
    • O paradoxo dos videoxogos 

      Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Nova Escola galega, 2017)
    • Parenting profiles: motivation toward health-oriented physical activity and intention to be physically active 

      Vega-Díaz, Marta; González-García, Higinio; Labra, Carmen de (Springer Nature, 2023-07-12)
      [Abstract] Introduction: Parents influence their sons' and daughters' interest in practicing and maintaining physical activity through parenting patterns. Objective: To identify perceived parenting style profiles and ...
    • Perceived physical self-concept profiles: intention to be physically active and emotional regulation 

      Vega Díaz, Marta; Labra, Carmen de; González-García, Higinio (Fundación Veca, 2023)
      [Abstract] The objectives of the study were to identify physical self-concept profiles and examine their role in the intention to be physically active and emotional regulation. A sample of 606 physical activity practitioners ...
    • Peripheral-Central Interplay for Fatiguing Unresisted Repetitive Movements: A Study Using Muscle Ischaemia and m1 Neuromodulation 

      Madinabeitia-Mancebo, Elena; Madrid López, Antonio; Oliviero, Antonio; Cudeiro, Javier; Arias, Pablo (Nature Research, 2021-01-22)
      [Abstract] Maximal-rate rhythmic repetitive movements cannot be sustained for very long, even if unresisted. Peripheral and central mechanisms of fatigue, such as the slowing of muscle relaxation and an increase in M1-GABAb ...
    • Placer infinito 

      Mariño Alfonso, Xurxo (Universitat de València, 2022-06)
      [Resumen] A mediados del siglo pasado los científicos cre­yeron dar con el circuito encefálico del pla­cer: grupos de neuronas que se activan ante ciertos estímulos y que inducen un estado emocional que puede generar ...