• Activity of Universities in Social Networks: Correlations of Rankings, Students, Followers and Interactions 

      Pérez-Bonaventura, Marc; Rodríguez-Llorente, Carolina (El Profesional de la Información, 2023-01-11)
      [Abstract] The Internet and social networks are widely used by students. For higher education, which operates in a highly competitive environment, marketing is a fundamental tool for universities to distinguish themselves ...
    • Adaptive psychological functioning and burnout in teachers: implications on instructional processes 

      Romero, Valeria; Núñez, José Carlos; Freire, Carlos; Ferradás, María del Mar (UCOPress, 2023-03-31)
      [Abstract] Given the high levels of burnout in the teaching profession, there is a growing interest in identifying the personal resources that would favor the positive psychological functioning in this group. From this ...
    • Associations between Profiles of Self-Esteem and Achievement Goals and the Protection of Self-Worth in University Students 

      Ferradás, María del Mar; Freire, Carlos; Núñez, José Carlos; Regueiro Suárez, Bibiana (2019-06-23)
      [Abstract] The high demands of academia and the fear of failure lead some university students to prioritize defending their personal worth through the use of complex strategies such as self-handicapping or defensive ...
    • La autoestima como variable protectora del "burnout" en estudiantes de fisioterapia 

      González Cabanach, Ramón; Souto-Gestal, Antonio; Freire, Carlos; Fernández-Cervantes, Ramón; González Doniz, Luz (Universidad de Navarra, 2016)
      [Resumen] En los últimos años existe un creciente interés por determinar los factores que inciden en el origen y el mantenimiento del burnout académico. En este contexto, en el presente trabajo se analiza la posible existencia ...
    • Autoestima, metas de logro y estrategias de autoprotección: un enfoque centrado en la persona 

      Ferradás, María del Mar; Freire, Carlos; Regueiro, Bibiana; Vieites, Tania; Rodríguez-Llorente, Carolina (2021)
      [Resumo] Self-handicapping e pessimismo defensivo são estratégias frequentemente usadas ​​por alunos que buscam proteger seus sentimentos de valor pessoal. Numerosos estudos demonstraram que a autoestima e as metas de ...
    • Bullying According to Gender, and Immigration Background in Spanish Students 

      Piñeiro, Isabel; López-Castro, Leticia; González-Suárez, Rocío; Rodríguez, Susana; Valle, Antonio (Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Oviedo ; Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias, 2022)
      [Abstract] Background: Boys are more frequent aggressors than girls, but there are no conclusive findings on gender differences in victimization. There is a relationship between immigration background and bullying, but ...
    • Comportamiento materno percibido y orientación a metas de los hijos/as 

      Martins, Ludmila; Regueiro, Bibiana; Vieites, Tania; Rodríguez-Llorente, Carolina; Roldán, Lucía (2021)
      [Resumen] Introducción. La orientación a metas de los estudiantes puede estar influenciada, entre otros factores, por los comportamientos que componen los estilos educativos de los padres y las madres. De acuerdo con ...
    • La consecución del funcionamiento psicológico pleno: la dimensión de crecimiento personal 

      Freire, Carlos; Ferradás, María del Mar; Núñez, José Carlos; Valle, Antonio (Consejo General de la Psicología de España, 2022)
      [Resumen] Los grandes avances médicos logrados en las últimas décadas han posibilitado un inusitado aumento de la esperanza de vida en buena parte de la población mundial, especialmente en los países desarrollados. Sin ...
    • Coping flexibility and eudaimonic well-being in university students 

      Freire, Carlos; Ferradás, María del Mar; Núñez, José Carlos; Valle, Antonio (The Scandinavian Psychological Associations, 2018-08)
      [Abstract] Despite the growing interest in the relationship between coping strategies and eudaimonic well-being, few studies have examined this issue from the perspective of coping flexibility. Therefore, the present study ...
    • Coping profiles and their relationship with self-compassion in childhood 

      Ferradás, María del Mar; Freire, Carlos; Prada Palmeiro, Lucía; Núñez, José Carlos; Rodríguez, Susana (Facultad y Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Oviedo; Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias, 2022-01)
      [Abstract] Introduction: In line with the growing attention to mental health and stress in children, the present study analyzed the existence of differentiated profiles of coping in response to everyday stressors. The study ...
    • Coping Strategies and Self-Efficacy in University Students: A Person-Centered Approach 

      Freire, Carlos; Ferradás, María del Mar; Regueiro, Bibiana; Rodríguez, Susana; Valle, Antonio; Núñez, José Carlos (2020)
      [Abstract] In daily academic life, students are exposed to a wide range of potentially stressful situations which could negatively affect their academic achievement and their health. Among the factors that could be weakened ...
    • COVID-19 Lockdown: Key Factors in Citizens’ Stress 

      Rodríguez, Susana; Valle, Antonio; Piñeiro, Isabel; González-Suárez, Rocío; Díaz-Freire, Fátima M.; Vieites, Tania (2021)
      [Abstract] Background: Confinement due to COVID-19 can have a short‐ and long-term impact on mental health (increased levels of stress and anxiety and emotional upheaval) and on people’s quality of life. Knowing what factors ...
    • Defensive pessimism, self-esteem and achievement goals: A person-centered approach 

      Ferradás, María del Mar; Freire, Carlos; Regueiro, Bibiana; Valle, Antonio (Facultad y Departamento de Psicología de la Universidad de Oviedo; Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos del Principado de Asturias, 2018)
      [Abstrac] The relationship between defensive pessimism, self-esteem, and achievement goals is a controversial issue. The main contribution of this research is the adoption of a person-centered approach to explore the ...
    • Diferencias en la implicación en los deberes escolares en función del rendimiento académico 

      Regueiro, Bibiana; Martínez, Raquel; Estévez, Iris; Rodríguez, Susana; Ferradás, María del Mar (2020)
      [Resumen] El objetivo de este trabajo fue comprobar si hay diferencias en la implicación en los deberes escolares en función de los distintos niveles de rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. Debido al posible efecto ...
    • Estresores académicos percibidos por estudiantes universitarios de ciencias de la salud 

      González Cabanach, Ramón; Fernández-Cervantes, Ramón; González Doniz, Luz; Freire, Carlos (Elsevier, 2010-04-24)
      [Resumen] El propósito de esta investigación es identificar qué situaciones del contexto académico son percibidas como generadoras de estrés en una muestra de estudiantes de ciencias de la salud y en qué medida lo hacen. ...
    • Eudaimonic well-being and coping with stress in university students : the mediating/moderating role of self-efficacy 

      Freire, Carlos; Ferradás, María del Mar; Núñez, José Carlos; Valle, Antonio; Vallejo, Guillermo (MDPI, 2018-12-25)
      [Abstract] The importance of personal psychological resources in preventing academic stress has enjoyed little attention to date, despite the high rates of stress that exist among university students. This article analyzes ...
    • Flexibilidad en el afrontamiento del estrés y fortalezas personales en estudiantes universitarios 

      Ferradás, María del Mar; Freire, Carlos; González Rico, Pablo (2021)
      [Resumen] Las altas y heterogéneas demandas que ha de afrontar el estudiantado universitario en su día a día han acrecentado en los últimos años el interés de la investigación por el estudio de la flexibilidad en el ...
    • Gender Differences in Mathematics Motivation: Differential Effects on Performance in Primary Education 

      Rodríguez, Susana; Regueiro, Bibiana; Piñeiro, Isabel; Estévez, Iris; Valle, Antonio (2020)
      [Abstract] In addition to attempting to verify gender differences, this study aims to examine the explanatory potential of boys’ and girls’ attitudes toward mathematics on their performance. The sample comprised 897 students ...
    • La gestión cultural en la era digital : [reseña del libro] 

      Rodríguez-Llorente, Carolina (Ediciones Complutenses, 2023-04-14)
    • Intrinsic motivation and perceived utility as predictors of student homework engagement 

      Rodríguez, Susana; Piñeiro, Isabel; Regueiro, Bibiana; Estévez, Iris (Universidad de País Vasco, 2020-06-18)
      [Abstract] The value assigned to, including the utility value, is behind the students’ choices and their degree of engagement, effort and persistence with learning activities and, finally, explains academic achievement. ...