Browsing Unidade de Investigación de Terapia Ocupacional en intervencións non farmacolóxicas by Title
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Aquatic-Based Activities in a Group Occupational Therapy Program for Adults Living With Serious Mental Illness in Spain
(Wiley, 2021-08-17)[Abstract] Although aquatic-based interventions are increasingly used in the psychiatric rehabilitation services, the effects of this type of community program as an adjuvant therapy for psychosocial problems of people ... -
Assessing the Outcomes of an Animal-Assisted Intervention in a Paediatric Day Hospital: Perceptions of Children and Parents
(MDPI, 2020-10-01)[Abstract] There is a growing interest in the use of animal-assisted intervention (AAI) as a non-pharmacological strategy to improve child welfare in hospitals. However, the efficacy of implementation of programmes based ... -
Changes in social functioning and engagement during canine-assisted intervention for children with neurodevelopmental disorders in the context of an early intervention service
(Elsevier, 2022-03-15)[Abstract] Purpose: The objectives were to evaluate the feasibility of early implementation of a canine-assisted intervention (CAI) for children with neurodevelopmental disorders, and to determine the changes in social ... -
Contribución de la terapia ocupacional en la rehabilitación cardíaca: intervención, desafíos y reflexiones
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos-UFSCar, 2016)[Resumen] Introducción: La enfermedad cardiovascular aumenta la prevalencia de la discapacidad e incrementa la mortalidad en los países occidentales. En España, es el principal problema de salud de la población ... -
El efecto de las oportunidades en la salud
(Colegio Oficial de Terapeutas Ocupacionales de Galicia (COTOGA), 2022-05-31)[Resumen] Decidir por una u otra oportunidad tiene consecuencias frente a la salud. La realidad se torna caprichosa cuando lo que tenemos que hacer es tomar una decisión sobre la oportunidad que seleccionamos. Las decisiones ... -
Effectiveness of an occupational therapy home programme in Spain for people affected by stroke
(John Wiley & Sons, 2014-10-13)[Abstract] The main aim of this paper is to assess the effects of an occupational therapy home programme in Spain on 23 people who had had stroke (mean age 61.17 years). The programme was made up of a set of activities and ... -
Evaluation of improvement of functional independence in a multicentre cohort of rehabilitation outpatients with neurological conditions
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-12-10)[Abstract] Purpose: The objectives were to examine: (1) the changes in independence in basic activities of daily living (ADL) following an outpatient occupational therapy (OT) intervention in people with neurological ... -
Explorando las actividades diarias y la participación social: un estudio en personas con una condición de salud del aparato locomotor
(Universidade Federal de São Carlos, 2018)[Resumen] Introducción: Las enfermedades/lesiones del aparato locomotor son un problema de salud frecuente, producen discapacidad y disminuyen la calidad de vida. Objetivo: El objetivo principal consistió en evaluar ... -
Exploring the Use of Assistive Products to Promote Functional Independence in Self-Care Activities in the Bathroom
(PLoS, 2019-04-08)[Abstract] In homes, problems in daily functioning of older people often occur in the bathroom, especially in the transfers to the toilet and/or shower/bath. Assistive products have the potential to maximise functional ... -
Functional changes after occupational therapy among individuals with a distal radius fracture: a longitudinal study
(American Occupational Therapy Association, 2023-11-01)[Abstract] Importance: Identifying the outcomes of occupational therapy after a distal radius fracture (DRF) is important so that effective strategies can be developed to mitigate the consequences associated with this ... -
Hanneke van Bruggen, medalla de oro de terapia ocupacional 2012: una mirada caleidoscópica
(Asociación Profesional Gallega de Terapia Ocupacional, 2012)[Resumen] El espíritu pionero, su energía contagiosa y el compromiso, son un ejemplo para todos los terapeutas ocupacionales del mundo y también una referencia para nuestra profesión. Por esta ... -
Historia de vida ocupacional basada en una adaptación contextual del modelo Kawa: reflexiones para una terapia ocupacional culturalmente responsable
(COTOGA (Colegio Oficial de Terapeutas Ocupacionales de Galicia), 2019-11-30)[Resumen] Objetivos: explorar y reflexionar sobre la historia de vida ocupacional de un ciudadano mayor empleando el Modelo Kawa de terapia ocupacional. Método: se realizó una adaptación del Modelo Kawa debido a su idoneidad ... -
Homebound Status Among Middle-Aged and Older Adults With Disabilities in ADLs and Its Associations With Clinical, Functional, and Environmental Factors
(Elsevier, 2016-06-29)[Abstract] Background. Homebound status is associated with poor health, comorbidity, and mortality and represents a major challenge for health systems. However, its prevalence among people with disabilities in the basic ... -
Improving Social Participation of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Pilot Testing of an Early Animal-Assisted Intervention in Spain
(Wiley, 2020-02-05)[Abstract] Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience moderate to profound challenges in relation to the skills required for social participation. Animal-assisted intervention (AAI) is increasingly used within ... -
Independence in daily activities after stroke among occupational therapy patients and Its relationship with unilateral neglect
(MDPI, 2021-07-15)[Abstract] More research is needed to better understand the impact of occupational therapy (OT) in stroke patients and syndromes of unilateral neglect (UN) and anosognosia. A prospective, observational, longitudinal design ... -
Ocupaciones de ocio, calidad de vida y envejecimiento activo: un análisis desde las percepciones de ciudadanos mayores autónomos
(COTOGA (Colegio Oficial de Terapeutas Ocupacionales de Galicia), 2018-05-31)[Resumen] Objetivo: analizar el desempeño ocupacional en el área del ocio en ciudadanos mayores autónomos y conocer su interés en la participación en programas innovadores de envejecimiento activo. Métodos: estudio descriptivo ... -
Promoting Functional Independence in People with Alzheimer's Disease: Outcomes of a Home‐Based Occupational Therapy Intervention in Spain
(Wiley, 2018-07-11)[Abstract] Nonpharmacologic therapies such as occupational therapy (OT) are promising for people with Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, more research is needed to better understand the effectiveness of home-based OT ... -
Subjective well-being in higher education: psychometric properties of the satisfaction with life and subjective vitality scales in spanish university students
(MDPI, 2020-03-11)[Abstract] Satisfaction with life (SWL) and subjective vitality (SV) are indicators of subjective well-being and quality of life. University students are at risk of low levels of subjective well-being, and therefore ...