• Sci-Hub, challenge for academic and research libraries 

      Fernández Marcial, Viviana; González-Solar, Llarina (Ediciones Profesionales de la Información, 2019-01)
      [Abstract] Sci-Hub emerged into the field of scientific communication in 2011 as a platform for free access to scientific papers. It is the most popular of the so-called shadow libraries, systems that overcome the limits ...
    • Sistema de Informação: abordagem concetual e metodológica 

      Fernández Marcial, Viviana; Gomes, Liliana Isabel Esteves (Biblioteca Nacional de Cuba José Martí, 2019)
      [Resumo] Objetivo: No século xxi, a Informação constitui um recurso com reconhecido valor nas organizações, sendo também um conceito que, radicado no fenómeno humano e social, está associado ao objeto da Ciência da Informação ...
    • Top universities, top libraries: do research services in academic libraries contribute to university output? 

      Fernández Marcial, Viviana; Costa, Luis Miguel; González-Solar, Llarina (Purdue e-Pubs, 2016)
      [Abstract] University context is nowadays mostly characterized by the implementation of competitiveness and cost-effectiveness criteria. There are two main characteristics of the new management model: a new relevancy to ...