• 3DGraCT: A Grammar-Based Compressed Representation of 3D Trajectories 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Gómez-Brandón, Adrián; Martínez-Prieto, Miguel A.; Paramá, José R. (Springer, 2018)
      [Abstract]: Much research has been published about trajectory management on the ground or at the sea, but compression or indexing of flight trajectories have usually been less explored. However, air traffic management is ...
    • A New Method to Index and Store Spatio-Temporal Data 

      Bernardo, Guillermo de; Casares, Ramón; Gómez-Brandón, Adrián; Paramá, José R. (2016-11-16)
      [Abstract] We propose a data structure that stores, in a compressed way, object trajectories, which at the same time, allow to efficiently response queries without the need to decompress the data. We use a data structure, ...
    • GraCT: A Grammar Based Compressed Representation of Trajectories 

      Brisaboa, Nieves R.; Gómez-Brandón, Adrián; Navarro, Gonzalo; Paramá, José R. (Springer, 2016-09-21)
      [Abstract] We present a compressed data structure to store free trajectories of moving objects (ships over the sea, for example) allowing spatio-temporal queries. Our method, GraCT, uses a k2k2 -tree to store the absolute ...
    • Worst-Case-Optimal Similarity Joins on Graph Databases 

      Arroyuelo, Diego; Bustos, Benjamin; Gómez-Brandón, Adrián; Hogan, Aidan; Navarro, Gonzalo; Reutter, Juan (Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2024-03-06)
      [Absctract]: We extend the concept of worst-case optimal equijoins in graph databases to the case where some nodes are required to be within the k-nearest neighbors (kNN) of others under some similarity function. We model ...