Mostrando ítems 51-55 de 76

    • Lossless Compression of Industrial Time Series With Direct Access 

      Gómez-Brandón, Adrián; Paramá, José R.; Villalobos, Kevin; Illarramendi, Arantza; Brisaboa, Nieves R. (Elsevier, 2021)
      [Abstract] The new opportunities generated by the data-driven economy in the manufacturing industry have causedmany companies opt for it. However, the size of time series data that need to be captured creates theproblem ...
    • Take one for the team: on the time efficiency of application-level buffer-aided relaying in edge cloud communication 

      Li, Zheng; Millar-Bilbao, Francisco; Rojas-Durán, Gonzalo; Ladra, Susana (Springer, 2021-03-12)
      [Abstract] Background Adding buffers to networks is part of the fundamental advance in data communication. Since edge cloud computing is based on the heterogeneous collaboration network model in a federated environment, ...
    • Accessible Routes Integrating Data from Multiple Sources 

      Rodríguez Luaces, Miguel; Arias Fisteus, Jesús; Sánchez-Fernández, Luis; Muñoz-Organero, Mario; Balado, Jesús; Díaz-Vilariño, Lucía; Lorenzo, Henrique (MDPI AG, 2020-12-26)
      [Abstract] Providing citizens with the ability to move around in an accessible way is a requirement for all cities today. However, modeling city infrastructures so that accessible routes can be computed is a challenge ...
    • Exploiting Computation-Friendly Graph Compression Methods for Adjacency-Matrix Multiplication 

      Francisco, Alexandre P.; Gagie, Travis; Ladra, Susana; Navarro, Gonzalo (IEEE Computer Society, 2018-03)
      [Abstract] Computing the product of the (binary) adjacency matrix of a large graph with a real-valued vector is an important operation that lies at the heart of various graph analysis tasks, such as computing PageRank. In ...
    • From Coarse to Fine-Grained Parcellation of the Cortical Surface Using a Fiber-Bundle Atlas 

      López-López, Narciso; Vázquez, Andrea; Houenou, Josselin; Poupon, Cyril; Mangin, Jean-François; Ladra, Susana; Guevara, Pamela (Frontiers Research Foundation, 2020-09-10)
      [Abstract] In this article, we present a hybrid method to create fine-grained parcellations of the cortical surface, from a coarse-grained parcellation according to an anatomical atlas, based on cortico-cortical connectivity. ...