Living in Rapture: Cultural perspectives and narrative techniques in the Bioshock Saga

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Living in Rapture: Cultural perspectives and narrative techniques in the Bioshock SagaTítulo(s) alternativo(s)
Viviendo en Rapture: perspectivas culturales y técnicas narrativas en la Saga "Bioshock"Vivindo en Rapture: perspectivas culturais e técnicas narrativas na Saga "Bioshock"
Barros-Grela, EduardoData
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de FiloloxíaDescrición
Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.FIL). Estudos ingleses avanzados e as súas aplicacións. Curso 2014/2015Resumo
[Abstract] This paper will study the videogames pertaining to the Bioshock Saga that take place in the city of Rapture. The first objective is to identify and analyze the cultural and
philosophical concepts included in the videogames. Secondly, the narrative techniques used in these videogames will be analyzed, as well as the consequences of the use of this media in the traditional dichotomy text-receptor. Finally, there will also be a section dealing with the moral and ethical issues the developers pose as topics of reflection, which will also identify, when possible, the opinion shown in the videogames. The third game in the saga, Bioshock Infinite, will not be included in this paper as the scenery and topics dealt with in the game are different from the rest of the saga.
Palabras chave
Bioshock Saga
Philosophical concepts
Narrative techniques
Philosophical concepts
Narrative techniques
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