James Joyce in Translation: Colloquialisms, Vulgarisms and Idiomatic and Cultural Expressions in the Spanish and Galician versions of ‘Ulysses’

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James Joyce in Translation: Colloquialisms, Vulgarisms and Idiomatic and Cultural Expressions in the Spanish and Galician versions of ‘Ulysses’Alternative Title(s)
Traduciendo a James Joyce: coloquialismos, vulgarismos y expresiones culturales e idiomáticas en las versiones gallegas y castellanas de ‘Ulysses’Traducindo a James Joyce: coloquialismos, vulgarismos e expresións culturais e idiomáticas nas versións galegas e castelás de ‘Ulysses’
Alonso Giráldez, José MiguelDate
Universidade da Coruña. Facultade de FiloloxíaDescription
Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.FIL). Estudos ingleses avanzados e as súas aplicacións. Curso 2013/2014Abstract
[Abstract] James Joyce’s Ulysses narrates the story about a day in the life of the two main characters, Stephen Dedalus and Leopold Bloom. Despite being a complex reading, this novel was translated into a lot of languages. This dissertation will deal about the act of translating, the difficulties that appear during that process and finally there will be a study of the colloquialisms, vulgarisms and idiomatic and cultural expressions in the Spanish and Galician versions of Ulysses. I will especially focus on the Galician translation, which is the most recent one. To be more specific this dissertation will focus on episode 18 of Ulysses, also known as Penelope.
Joyce, James
Spanish translations
Galician translations
Ulysses translations
Spanish translations
Galician translations
Ulysses translations
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