Now showing items 1-10 of 44
Shallow Recurrent Neural Network for Personality Recognition in Source Code
(CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2016-12)
[Abstract] Personality recognition in source code constitutes a novel task in the field of author profiling on written text. In this paper we describe our proposal for the PR-SOCO shared task in FIRE 2016, which is based ...
Tratamiento sintáctico de la negación en análisis del sentimiento monolingüe y multilingüe
[Abstract] Dealing with negation in a proper way is a relevant factor in order to obtain high performance sentiment analysis systems. In this framework, we present a method for the treatment of negation in Spanish that ...
Towards fast natural language parsing: FASTPARSE ERC Starting Grant
(Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (SEPLN), 2017-09)
[Abstract:] The goal of the FASTPARSE project (Fast Natural Language Parsing for
Large-Scale NLP), funded by the European Research Council (ERC), is to achieve
a breakthrough in the speed of natural language syntactic ...
Sequence Tagging for Fast Dependency Parsing
Dependency parsing has been built upon the idea of using parsing methods based on shift-reduce or graph-based algorithms in order to identify binary dependency relations between the words in a sentence. In this ...
Parsing as Pretraining
[Abstract] Recent analyses suggest that encoders pretrained for language
modeling capture certain morpho-syntactic structure.
However, probing frameworks for word vectors still do not report
results on standard setups ...
LyS at TASS 2014: A Prototype for Extracting and Analysing Aspects from Spanish tweets
(Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2014)
[Abstract]: This paper describes our participation at the third edition of the work- shop on Sentiment Analysis focused on Spanish tweets, tass 2014. This year’s eval- uation campaign includes four challenges: (1) global ...
Supervised polarity classification of Spanish tweets based on linguistic knowledge
(Association for Computing Machinery, 2013)
[Abstract]: We describe a system that classifies the polarity of Spanish tweets. We adopt a hybrid approach, which combines machine learning and linguistic knowledge acquired by means of NLP. We use part-of-speech tags, ...
Parsing linearizations appreciate PoS tags - but some are fussy about errors
(Association for Computational Linguistics, 2022-11)
[Absctract]: PoS tags, once taken for granted as a useful resource for syntactic parsing, have become more situational with the popularization of deep learning. Recent work on the impact of PoS tags on graph- and ...
Seguimiento y análisis automático de contenidos en redes sociales
(Centro Universitario de la Defensa de Marín, 2015)
[Abstract]: La Minería de Opiniones es la disciplina que aborda el tratamiento automático
de las opiniones contenidas en un texto. Permite, por ejemplo, determinar si en un texto se está opinando o no, o si la polaridad ...
LyS at TASS 2013: Analysing Spanish tweets by means of dependency parsing, semantic-oriented lexicons and psychometric word-properties
(Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2013)
[Abstract]: This article describes the approach developed by our group in order to resolve the sentiment analysis at a global level, topic identification and political tendency classification tasks on Spanish tweets; ...