• A linguistic approach for determining the topics of Spanish Twitter messages 

      Vilares, David; Alonso, Miguel A.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (SAGE Publications & CILIP, 2015)
      [Abstract]: The vast number of opinions and reviews provided in Twitter is helpful in order to make interesting findings about a given industry, but given the huge number of messages published every day, it is important ...
    • A review on political analysis and social media 

      Vilares, David; Alonso, Miguel A. (Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2016)
      [Abstract] In democratic countries, forecasting the voting intentions of citizens and knowing their opinions on major political parties and leaders is of great interest to the parties themselves, to the media, and to the ...
    • Una aproximación supervisada para la minería de opiniones sobre tuits en español en base a conocimiento lingüístico 

      Vilares, David; Alonso, Miguel A.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2013)
      [Resumen]: En este artículo se describe un sistema para la clasificación de la polaridad de tuits escritos en español. Se adopta una aproximación híbrida, que combina conocimiento lingüístico obtenido mediante PLN con ...
    • Discovering Topics in Twitter About the COVID-19 Outbreak in Spain 

      Agüero-Torales, Marvin M.; Vilares, David; López-Herrera, Antonio G. (Sociedad Española de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2021)
      [Resumen] En este trabajo, analizamos lo que los usuarios han estado discutiendo en Twitter durante el comienzo de la pandemia causada por el COVID-19. Concretamente, analizamos tres fases diferenciadas de la crisis del ...
    • LyS at SemEval-2016 Task 4: Exploiting Neural Activation Values for Twitter Sentiment Classification and Quantification 

      Vilares, David; Doval, Yerai; Alonso, Miguel A.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2016)
      [Abstract]: In this paper we describe our deep learning approach for solving both two-, three- and fiveclass tweet polarity classification, and twoand five-class quantification. We first trained a convolutional neural ...
    • LyS at TASS 2013: Analysing Spanish tweets by means of dependency parsing, semantic-oriented lexicons and psychometric word-properties 

      Vilares, David; Alonso, Miguel A.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (Sociedad Española para el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2013)
      [Abstract]: This article describes the approach developed by our group in order to resolve the sentiment analysis at a global level, topic identification and political tendency classification tasks on Spanish tweets; ...
    • LyS at TASS 2015: Deep Learning Experiments for Sentiment Analysis on Spanish Tweets 

      Vilares, David; Doval, Yerai; Alonso, Miguel A.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (CEUR-WS Workshop Proceedings, 2015)
      [Abstract]: This paper describes the participation of the LyS group at tass 2015. In this year’s edition, we used a long short-term memory neural network to address the two proposed challenges: (1) sentiment analysis at ...
    • LyS: Porting a Twitter Sentiment Analysis Approach from Spanish to English 

      Vilares, David; Hermo, Miguel; Alonso, Miguel A.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Doval, Yerai (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2014)
      [Abstract]: This paper proposes an approach to solve message- and phrase-level polarity classification in Twitter, derived from an existing system designed for Spanish. As a first step, an ad-hoc preprocessing is performed. ...
    • On the performance of phonetic algorithms in microtext normalization 

      Doval, Yerai; Vilares Ferro, Manuel; Vilares, Jesús (Elsevier, 2018-12-15)
      [Abstract]: User–generated content published on microblogging social networks constitutes a priceless source of information. However, microtexts usually deviate from the standard lexical and grammatical rules of the language, ...
    • Seguimiento y análisis automático de contenidos en redes sociales 

      Alonso, Miguel A.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Vilares, David; Doval, Yerai; Vilares, Jesús (Centro Universitario de la Defensa de Marín, 2015)
      [Abstract]: La Minería de Opiniones es la disciplina que aborda el tratamiento automático de las opiniones contenidas en un texto. Permite, por ejemplo, determinar si en un texto se está opinando o no, o si la polaridad ...
    • Sentiment Analysis on Monolingual, Multilingual and Code-Switching Twitter Corpora 

      Vilares, David; Alonso, Miguel A.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2015)
      [Abstract]: We address the problem of performing po- larity classification on Twitter over differ- ent languages, focusing on English and Spanish, comparing three techniques: (1) a monolingual model which knows ...
    • Supervised polarity classification of Spanish tweets based on linguistic knowledge 

      Vilares, David; Alonso, Miguel A.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (Association for Computing Machinery, 2013)
      [Abstract]: We describe a system that classifies the polarity of Spanish tweets. We adopt a hybrid approach, which combines machine learning and linguistic knowledge acquired by means of NLP. We use part-of-speech tags, ...
    • The megaphone of the people? Spanish SentiStrength for real-time analysis of political tweets 

      Vilares, David; Thelwall, Mike; Alonso, Miguel A. (SAGE Publications & CILIP, 2015)
      [Abstract]: Twitter is an important platform for sharing opinions about politicians, parties and political decisions. These opinions can be exploited as a source of information to monitor the impact of politics on society. ...