• Descripción y usabilidad de HARTA, una herramienta de ayuda para la redacción de textos académicos en español 

      Guzzi, Eleonora; Alonso-Ramos, Margarita (Universidad de Barcelona, 2023)
      [Resumen] Este artículo presenta la herramienta en línea HARTA (http://www.dicesp.com:8083/), que combina diccionario y corpus, acorde con la corriente de los últimos años en lexicografía. HARTA se centra en las ...
    • Detecting Perspectives in Political Debates 

      Vilares, David; He, Yulan (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2017-09)
      [Abstract]: We explore how to detect people’s perspectives that occupy a certain proposition. We propose a Bayesian modelling approach where topics (or propositions) and their associated perspectives (or viewpoints) are ...
    • Developing Open-Source Roguelike Games for Visually-Impaired Players by Using Low-Complexity NLP Techniques 

      Fernández-Núñez, Luis; Penas, Darío; Viteri Letamendía, Jorge; Vilares, Jesús (MDPI, 2020-08-19)
      [Abstract] The prominent graphic component of video games greatly limits the accessibility of thistype of entertainment by visually impaired users. We make here an overview of the first gamesdeveloped within an initiative ...
    • Discontinuous Constituent Parsing as Sequence Labeling 

      Vilares, David; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2020-11)
      [Absctract]: This paper reduces discontinuous parsing to sequence labeling. It first shows that existing reductions for constituent parsing as labeling do not support discontinuities. Second, it fills this gap and proposes ...
    • Discontinuous grammar as a foreign language 

      Fernández-González, Daniel; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (Elsevier, 2023-03)
      [Abstract] In order to achieve deep natural language understanding, syntactic constituent parsing is a vital step, highly demanded by many artificial intelligence systems to process both text and speech. One of the most ...
    • Discovering Topics in Twitter About the COVID-19 Outbreak in Spain 

      Agüero-Torales, Marvin M.; Vilares, David; López-Herrera, Antonio G. (Sociedad Española de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural, 2021)
      [Resumen] En este trabajo, analizamos lo que los usuarios han estado discutiendo en Twitter durante el comienzo de la pandemia causada por el COVID-19. Concretamente, analizamos tres fases diferenciadas de la crisis del ...
    • EN-ES-CS: An English-Spanish Code-Switching Twitter Corpus for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis 

      Vilares, David; Alonso, Miguel A.; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (European Language Resources Association (ELRA), 2016-05)
      [Abstract]: Code-switching texts are those that contain terms in two or more different languages, and they appear increasingly often in social media. The aim of this paper is to provide a resource to the research community ...
    • Entity linking with distributional semantics 

      Gamallo, Pablo; García, Marcos (Springer, 2016-07)
      [Abstract] Entity Linking (EL) consists in linking name mentions in a given text with their referring entities in external knowledge bases such as DBpedia/Wikipedia. In this paper, we propose an EL approach whose main ...
    • Exploring cross-lingual word embeddings for the inference of bilingual dictionaries 

      García, Marcos; García Salido, Marcos; Alonso, Miguel A. (CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2019)
      [Abstract]: We describe four systems to generate automatically bilingual dictionaries based on existing ones: three transitive systems differing only in the pivot language used, and a system based on a different ...
    • Faster shift-reduce constituent parsing with a non-binary, bottom-up strategy 

      Fernández-González, Daniel; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (Elsevier B.V., 2019-10)
      [Absctract]: An increasingly wide range of artificial intelligence applications rely on syntactic information to process and extract meaning from natural language text or speech, with constituent trees being one of the ...
    • From Partial to Strictly Incremental Constituent Parsing 

      Ezquerro, Ana; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Vilares, David (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2024-03)
      [Absctract]: We study incremental constituent parsers to assess their capacity to output trees based on prefix representations alone. Guided by strictly left-to-right generative language models and tree-decoding modules, ...
    • From Tokens to Trees: Mapping Syntactic Structures in the Deserts of Data-Scarce Languages 

      Vilares, David; Muñoz Ortiz, Alberto (CEUR-WS, 2024-06)
      [Abstract]: Low-resource learning in natural language processing focuses on developing effective resources, tools, and technologies for languages that are less popular within the industry and academia. This effort is crucial ...
    • Global Transition-based Non-projective Dependency Parsing 

      Fernández-González, Daniel; Shi, Tianze; Lee, Lillian (Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), 2018)
      [Absctract]: Shi, Huang, and Lee (2017a) obtained state-of-the-art results for English and Chinese dependency parsing by combining dynamic-programming implementations of transition-based dependency parsers with a minimal ...
    • GRALENIA: Antimicrobial Resistance Management based on Natural Language and Artificial Intelligence 

      Bernardo-Castiñeira, Cristóbal; Bou, Germán; Campos, Manuel; Cánovas-Segura, Bernardo; Figueiras Gómez, Sergio; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Míguez-Rey, Enrique; Vilares, Jesús (CEUR-WS, 2024)
      [Abstract]: The objective of GRALENIA project is to develop a multidisciplinary, comprehensive and interoperable platform incorporating artificial intelligence algorithms and natural language processing techniques to improve ...
    • Grammar Assistance Using Syntactic Structures (GAUSS) 

      Zamaraeva, Olga; Suárez Allegue, Lorena; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos; Alonso-Ramos, Margarita; Ogneva, Anastasiia (CEUR-WS, 2024)
      [Abstract]: Automatic grammar coaching serves an important purpose of advising on standard grammar varieties while not imposing social pressures or reinforcing established social roles. Such systems already exist but most ...
    • Grounding the Semantics of Part-of-Day Nouns Worldwide using Twitter 

      Vilares, David; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2018-06)
      [Absctract]: The usage of part-of-day nouns, such as ‘night’, and their time-specific greetings (‘good night’), varies across languages and cultures. We show the possibilities that Twitter offers for studying the semantics ...
    • Harry Potter and the Action Prediction Challenge from Natural Language 

      Vilares, David; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019-06)
      [Absctract]: We explore the challenge of action prediction from textual descriptions of scenes, a testbed to approximate whether text inference can be used to predict upcoming actions. As a case of study, we consider the ...
    • HARTAes-vas: Lexical combinations for an academic writing aid tool in Spanish and Basque 

      Alonso-Ramos, Margarita; Zabala, Igone (CEUR-WS.org, 2022)
      [Abstract] Academic writing has become a priority object of study especially in English, for which there are already many resources to help novice writers. This is not the case for Spanish university students who do not ...
    • HEAD-QA: A Healthcare Dataset for Complex Reasoning 

      Vilares, David; Gómez-Rodríguez, Carlos (Association for Computational Linguistics, 2019-07)
      [Absctract]: We present HEAD-QA, a multi-choice question answering testbed to encourage research on complex reasoning. The questions come from exams to access a specialized position in the Spanish healthcare system, and ...
    • Una herramienta para la ayuda a la redacción de textos académicos (HARTA) como uso de las TIC en el proceso de escritura 

      Guzzi, Eleonora; Alonso-Ramos, Margarita (REDINE (Red de Investigación e Innovación Educativa), 2020)
      [Resumen] Los estudiantes universitarios españoles tienen que hacer frente a un proceso de escritura en el que no solo tienen que plasmar su conocimiento disciplinar, sino que tienen que hacerlo en un tipo de registro ...