Mostrando ítems 36-40 de 55

    • The limits of my language are the limits of my world: The Scientific Lexicon from 1350 to 1640 

      Crespo, Begoña; Moskowich, Isabel (Slovak Association for the Study of English (SKASE), 2009)
      [Abstract] A diachronic compilation of different types of texts such as the Helsinki Corpus provides adequate material for a preliminary approach to the degree of diffusion of scientific/technical vocabulary (mainly nouns). ...
    • Thirteen paston letters in search of a standard 

      Moskowich, Isabel; Montoya Reyes, Ana (Universidad de La Laguna. Servicio de Publicaciones, 2003)
      [Abstract] The present paper proposes an approach to the development of the so-called Standard English from a morphological perspective. To this end, we present the concept of Standard in order to show the different ...
    • Pronouns as stance markers in the Coruña Corpus : an analysis of the CETA, CEPhiT and CHET. 

      Moskowich, Isabel (Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2017)
      [Abstract] It is now widely accepted that knowledge is negotiated and negotiation implies involvement on the part of both readers and writers. Since there seems to be some connection between involvement and stancetaking ...
    • Historia, arte y peregrinación en el itinerario irlandés a Compostela 

      Alfaya Lamas, Elena (2009)
      [Resumen] Este trabajo se acerca al Camino de Santiago que realizaban los peregrinos que llegaban a Galicia a través del mar desde los puertos del Báltico, Países Bajos, Países Escandinavos, norte de Francia, y sobre ...
    • Linking ideas in women's writing: evidence from the Coruña Corpus 

      Moskowich, Isabel; Monaco, Leida María (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, 2016)
      [Abstract]This paper provides an overview of some rhetorical devices found in scientific works by late Modern English women. We will focus on apparently marginal linguistic elements as devices fundamental for the expression ...