Mostrando ítems 26-30 de 55

    • Adjectival forms in Middle English: syntactic and semantic implications. 

      Moskowich, Isabel; Crespo, Begoña (Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2002)
      [Abstract] Our main purpose in this paper is to look into the place of adjectives in a particular period in the history of English as regards their position in the Noun Phrase and whether such position may somehow alter ...
    • The Golden Rule of Divine Philosophy exemplified in the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing 

      Moskowich, Isabel (Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 2011)
      [Abstract] The present paper aims at presenting a new sub-corpus of the Coruña Corpus of English Scientific Writing. The corpus is a compilation of scientific texts published between 1700 and 1900 and has been compiled by ...
    • A study of finite complementation in late Fourteenth Century English 

      Moskowich, Isabel (Universidade de Vigo, 1997)
      [Resumen] Este artículo pretende profundizar en el análisis de los modelos de complementación finita (conteniendo formas verbales marcadas) existentes en Inglés Medio y cotejarlos con los períodos lingüísticos inmediatamente ...
    • The Parlement of the Thre Ages: some notes on the place of origin of one of its manuscripts 

      Moskowich, Isabel; Alfaya Lamas, Elena (Taylor & Francis (Routledge), 2001)
      [Abstract] The central goal of the present study is to explore the geographical origins of T, one of the manuscripts of the medieval alliterative poem. The Parlement of the Thre Ages (British Museum, MS 31042). For ...
    • CETA in the context of the Coruña Corpus 

      Crespo, Begoña; Moskowich, Isabel (Oxford University Press, 2010)
      [Abstract] The Coruña Corpus (CC): a Collection of Samples for the Historical Study of English Scientific Writing is a project on which the MUSTE group has been working since 2003 in the University of A Coruña (Spain). It ...