• Evolutionary multi-target neural network architectures for flow void analysis in optical coherence tomography angiography 

      López-Varela, Emilio; Moura, Joaquim de; Novo Buján, Jorge; Fernández-Vigo, José Ignacio; Moreno-Morillo, Francisco Javier; García-Feijóo, Julián; Ortega Hortas, Marcos (Elsevier, 2024-03)
      [Abstract]: Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is a non-invasive imaging modality used to evaluate the retinal microvasculature. Recent advances in OCTA allows to visualize the blood flow within the choriocapillaris ...
    • Fully automatic segmentation and monitoring of choriocapillaris flow voids in OCTA images 

      López-Varela, Emilio; Moura, Joaquim de; Novo Buján, Jorge; Fernández-Vigo, José Ignacio; Moreno-Morillo, Francisco Javier; Ortega Hortas, Marcos (Elsevier, 2023)
      [Abstract]: Optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) is a non-invasive ophthalmic imaging modality that is widely used in clinical practice. Recent technological advances in OCTA allow imaging of blood flow deeper ...
    • Unsupervised Deformable Image Registration in a Landmark Scarcity Scenario: Choroid OCTA 

      López-Varela, Emilio; Novo Buján, Jorge; Fernández-Vigo, José Ignacio; Moreno-Morillo, Francisco Javier; Ortega Hortas, Marcos (Springer, 2022-05)
      [Abstract]: Recent advances in OCTA allow the imaging of blood flow deeper than the retinal layers at the level of the choriocapillaris (CC), where a pattern of small dark areas represents the absence of flow, called flow ...