Mostrando ítems 6-10 de 84

    • Alternated Selection Mechanisms Maintain Adaptive Diversity in Different Demographic Scenarios of a Large Carnivore 

      Rocha, Rita Gomes; Magalhães, V.; López Bao, José Vicente; van der Loo, W.; Llaneza, Luis; Álvares, Francisco; Esteves, Pedro; Godinho, Raquel (BioMed Central, 2019-04-11)
      [Abstract]: Background: Different population trajectories are expected to impact the signature of neutral and adaptive processes at multiple levels, challenging the assessment of the relative roles of different microevolutionary ...
    • Giardia sp. and Cryptosporidium sp. in Iberian Wolf 

      Pereira, Ana Luísa; Mateus, Teresa Letra; Llaneza, Luis; Duarte, Sofia (National Documentation Centre (EKT), 2019-07-12)
      [Abstract]: A subsample consisting of fifty fecal samples from wild Iberian Wolf (Canis lupus signatus), from the northwest of Spain were collected in the field. The samples were analyzed for cysts of Giardia sp. and oocysts ...
    • Cryptic Population Structure Reveals Low Dispersal in Iberian Wolves 

      Silva, Pedro; López Bao, José Vicente; Llaneza, Luis; Godinho, Raquel (Springer Nature, 2018-09-20)
      [Abstract]: Highly mobile mammalian carnivores are expected to have the capability to maintain high levels of gene flow across large geographic scales. Nonetheless, surprising levels of genetic structure have been found ...
    • Toward Reliable Population Estimates of Wolves by Combining Spatial Cap-ture-Recapture Models and Non-invasive DNA Monitoring 

      López Bao, José Vicente; Godinho, Raquel; Pacheco, Carolina; Lema Fuentes, Francisco Javier; García Fernández, Emilio J.; Llaneza, Luis; Palacios Sánchez, Vicente; Jiménez, José (Springer Nature, 2018-02-01)
      [Abstract]: Decision-makers in wildlife policy require reliable population size estimates to justify interventions, to build acceptance and support in their decisions and, ultimately, to build trust in managing authorities. ...
    • Genotype to Phenotype: Diet-By-Mitochondrial DNA Haplotype Interactions Drive Metabolic Flexibility and Organismal Fitness 

      Aw, Wen Chyuan; Towarnicki, Samuel; Melvin, Richard G.; Youngson, Neil A.; Garvin, Michael; Hu, Yifang; Nielsen, Shaun; Thomas, Torsten; Pickford, Russell; Bustamante, Sonia; Vila-Sanjurjo, Antón; Smyth, Gordon K.; Ballard, J. William O. (Public Library of Science, 2018-11-06)
      [Abstract] Diet may be modified seasonally or by biogeographic, demographic or cultural shifts. It can differentially influence mitochondrial bioenergetics, retrograde signalling to the nuclear genome, and anterograde ...