• A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins 

      Mantzouki, Evanthia; Leira, Manel; Hernández, Armand; Delgado Martín, Jordi (Springer Nature, 2018)
      [Abstract:] Under ongoing climate change and increasing anthropogenic activity, which continuously challenge ecosystem resilience, an in-depth understanding of ecological processes is urgently needed. Lakes, as providers ...
    • An UAV and Satellite Multispectral Data Approach to Monitor Water Quality in Small Reservoirs 

      Cillero Castro, Carmen; Domínguez Gómez, José Antonio; Delgado Martín, Jordi; Hinojo Sánchez, Boris Alejandro; Cereijo, Jose Luís; Cheda Tuya, Federico Andrés; Díaz-Varela, Ramón Alberto (MDPI, 2020)
      [Abstract] A multi-sensor and multi-scale monitoring tool for the spatially explicit and periodic monitoring of eutrophication in a small drinking water reservoir is presented. The tool was built with freely available ...
    • Analysis of the reduction processes at the bottom of Lake Meirama: a singular case of lake formation 

      Juncosa, Ricardo; Delgado Martín, Jordi; Cereijo Arango, José Luis; Muñoz-Ibáñez, Andrea (Springer, 2023)
      [Abstract:] The formation of natural lakes is a process that takes place over thousands of years, although the volumetric formation depends on hydrological and climatological phenomena, reaching a stationary hydraulic ...
    • Anisotropic deformability and strength of slate from NW-Spain 

      Alejano, Leandro R.; González Fernández, Manuel Alejandro; Estévez-Ventosa, Xian; Song, Fei; Delgado Martín, Jordi; Muñoz-Ibáñez, Andrea; González-Molano, Nubia; Alvarellos-Iglesias, José (Elsevier, 2021)
      [Abstract:] Slates are metamorphic rocks characterized by the pervasive occurrence of cleavage or foliation producing a highly anisotropic mechanical behavior characterized by fissility. Deformability and strength of these ...
    • Hydrostatic, strike-slip and normal stress true triaxial hydrofracturing testing of Blanco Mera Granite: breakdown pressure and tensile strength assessment 

      Muñoz-Ibáñez, Andrea; Herbón-Penabad, Miguel; Delgado Martín, Jordi; Alejano, Leandro R.; Alvarellos-Iglesias, José; Canal, Jacobo (Springer, 2023)
      [Abstract:] We have designed and built a versatile testing device to perform hydraulic fracturing experiments under true triaxial conditions. The device, based on a stiff biaxial frame that can be installed in a servocontrolled ...
    • Plastic Debris in Lakes and Reservoirs 

      Nava, Verónica; Chandra, Sudeep; Aherne, Julian; Alfonso, María Belén; Antão-Geraldes, Ana Maria; Attermeyer, Katrin; Bao, Roberto; Bartrons, Mireia; Berger, Stella A.; Biernaczyk, Marcin; Bissen, Raphael; Brookes, Justin D.; Brown, David; Cañedo-Argüelles, Miguel; Canle, Moisés; Capelli, Camilla; Carballeira, Rafael; Cereijo Arango, José Luis; Chawchai, Sakonvan; Christensen, Søren Thromsholdt; Christoffersen, Kirsten Seestern; Eyto, Elvira de; Delgado Martín, Jordi; Dornan, Tyler; Doubek, Jonathan; Dusaucy, Julia; Erina, Oxana; Ersoy, Zeynep; Feuchtmayr, Heidrun; Frezzotti, Maria Luce; Galafassi, Silvia; Gateuille, David; Gonçalves, Vítor; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Hamilton, David P.; Harris, Theodore; Kangur, Külli; Başaran Kankılıç, Gökben; Kessler, Rebecca; Kiel, Christine; Krynak, Edward M.; Leiva-Presa, Àngels; Lepori, Fabio; Matias, Miguel G.; Matsuzaki, Shin-ichiro; McElarney, Yvonne; Messyasz, Beata; Mitchell, Mark; Mlambo, Musa C.; Motitsoe, Samuel Nkopane; Nandini, S.; Orlandi, Valentina; Owens, Caroline; Özkundakci, Deniz; Pinnow, Solvig; Pociecha, Agnieszka; Raposeiro, Pedro; Rõõm, Eva-Ingrid; Rotta, Federica; Salmaso, Nico; Sarma, S. S. S.; Sartirana, Davide; Scordo, Facundo; Sibomana, Claver; Siewert, Daniel; Stepanowska, Katarzyna Ewa; Tavşanoğlu, Ülkü Nihan; Tereshina, Maria; Thompson, James; Tolotti, Monica; Valois, Amanda; Verburg, Piet; Welsh, Brittany; Wesolek, Brian; Weyhenmeyer, Gesa; Wu, Naicheng; Zawisza, Edyta; Zink, Lauren; Leoni, Barbara (Springer Nature, 2023)
      [Abstract] Plastic debris is thought to be widespread in freshwater ecosystems globally1. However, a lack of comprehensive and comparable data makes rigorous assessment of its distribution challenging2,3. Here we present ...
    • Size Effect and Other Effects on Mode I Fracture Toughness Using Two Testing Methods 

      Muñoz-Ibáñez, Andrea; Delgado Martín, Jordi; Juncosa, Ricardo (Elsevier, 2021)
      [Abstract] Mode I fracture toughness (KIC) is an intrinsic material property that quantifies its resistance to tensile fracture propagation. The International Society for Rock Mechanics has endorsed four methods to determine ...
    • Size effects on the tensile strength and fracture toughness of granitic rock in different tests 

      Pérez-Rey, Ignacio; Muñoz-Ibáñez, Andrea; González-Fernández, Manuel A.; Muñiz-Menéndez, Mauro; Herbón-Penabad, Miguel; Estévez-Ventosa, Xian; Delgado Martín, Jordi; Alejano, Leandro R. (Elsevier, 2023)
      [Abstract:] This study investigates the tensile failure mechanisms in granitic rock samples at different scales by means of different types of tests. To do that, we have selected a granitic rock type and obtained samples ...