• Large-scale physical facility and experimental dataset for the validation of urban drainage models 

      Sañudo, Esteban; Cea, Luis; Puertas, Jerónimo; Naves, Juan; Anta, Jose (Wiley, 2024)
      [Abstract:] Numerical models are currently the main tool used to simulate the effects of urban flooding. The validation of these models requires thorough and accurate observed data in order to test their performance. The ...
    • Machine Learning Based Moored Ship Movement Prediction 

      Alvarellos, Alberto; Figuero, A.; Carro Fidalgo, Humberto; Costas Gómez, Raquel; Sande, José; Guerra, Andrés; Peña González, Enrique; Rabuñal, Juan R. (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] Several port authorities are involved in the R+D+i projects for developing port management decision-making tools. We recorded the movements of 46 ships in the Outer Port of Punta Langosteira (A Coruña, Spain) ...
    • MERLIN: a flood hazard forecasting system for coastal river reaches 

      Fraga, Ignacio; Cea, Luis; Puertas, Jerónimo (Springer, 2020)
      [Abstract:] This study presents MERLIN, an innovative flood hazard forecasting system for predicting discharges and water levels at flood prone areas of coastal catchments. Discharge forecasts are preceded by a hindcast ...
    • MERLIN: una nueva herramienta para la predicción del riesgo de inundaciones en la demarcación hidrográfica Galicia-Costa 

      Fraga, Ignacio; Cea, Luis; Puertas, Jerónimo; Mosqueira Martínez, Gonzalo; Quinteiro Seoane, Belén; Botana Soto, Sonia; Fernández Núñez, Laura; Salsón Casado, Santiago; Fernández-García, Guillermo; Taboada, Juan (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2021)
      [Resumen] Este artículo presenta MERLIN, una nueva herramienta para estimar el riesgo de inundaciones a partir de predicciones de caudales y calados en Áreas de Riesgo Potencial Significativo de Inundaciones (ARPSIS) de ...
    • Modelización numérica de inundaciones fluviales 

      Bladé, Ernest; Cea, Luis; Corestein, Georgina (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2014)
      [Resumen:] La modelización numérica del flujo de agua en ríos es una herramienta que ayuda a dar respuesta a la legislación vigente europea y española referida a riesgo de inundación. Los modelos numéricos disponibles ...
    • Modelling Pluvial Flooding in Urban Areas Coupling the Models Iber and SWMM 

      Sañudo, Esteban; Cea, Luis; Puertas, Jerónimo (MDPI, 2020)
      [Abstract] Dual urban drainage models allow users to simulate pluvial urban flooding by analysing the interaction between the sewer network (minor drainage system) and the overland flow (major drainage system). This work ...
    • Modelling Weirs in Two-Dimensional Shallow Water Models 

      García-Alén, Gonzalo; García Fonte, Olalla; Cea, Luis; Pena Mosquera, Luis; Puertas, Jerónimo (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] 2D models based on the shallow water equations are widely used in river hydraulics. However, these models can present deficiencies in those cases in which their intrinsic hypotheses are not fulfilled. One of ...
    • Multiscale flood risk assessment under climate change: the case of the Miño river in the city of Ourense, Spain 

      Fernández-Novoa, Diego; García-Feal, Orlando; González-Cao, José; DeCastro, Maite; Gómez-Gesteira, Moncho (European Geosciences Union, 2022)
      [Abstract:] River floods, which are one of the most dangerous natural hazards worldwide, have increased in intensity and frequency in recent decades as a result of climate change, and the future scenario is expected to be ...
    • New insights to study the accumulation and erosion processes of fine-grained organic sediments in combined sewer systems from a laboratory scale model 

      Regueiro-Picallo, Manuel; Suárez-López, Joaquín; Sañudo, Esteban; Puertas, Jerónimo; Anta, Jose (Elsevier, 2020)
      [Abstract:] The deposition and resuspension of sediments are issues of considerable concern in combined sewer systems management. Sediments can produce the loss of hydraulic capacity and odour generation in sewers, and are ...
    • Nonintrusive Method to Compute Water Discharge in Pipes with a Low Depth-to-Diameter Ratio Using Ultrasonic Doppler Velocimetry 

      Fraga, Ignacio; Cea, Luis; Puertas, Jerónimo; Anta, Jose (ASCE, 2015)
      [Abstract] A nonintrusive method to calculate water depth and discharge in partially full pipes using data from a single ultrasonic Doppler velocimeter (UDV) profiler is presented. The position of the free surface is ...
    • Physicochemical parameters in the generation of turbidity episodes in a water supply distribution system 

      Juncosa, Ricardo; Cereijo Arango, José Luis; Vázquez, Ricardo (MDPI, 2022)
      [Abstract:] Water is necessary for the development and support of human life. The ability of water to supply the different populations has different origins: water taken from river diversions, water from underground ...
    • Plan de seguridad del agua en los Campos de Refugiados Saharauis en Tindouf (Argelia) 

      García Campos, Roberto; Blanco Arroyo, Rodrigo; Anta, Jose; Naves, Acacia; Molinero-Huguet, Jorge (Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018)
      [Resumen:] Desde 1975, unos 165 000 saharauis viven como refugiados en el desierto del Sahara cerca de Tindouf (Argelia). El agua disponible proviene de pozos profundos ubicados en algunos casos a decenas de kilómetros de ...
    • Plastic Debris in Lakes and Reservoirs 

      Nava, Verónica; Chandra, Sudeep; Aherne, Julian; Alfonso, María Belén; Antão-Geraldes, Ana Maria; Attermeyer, Katrin; Bao, Roberto; Bartrons, Mireia; Berger, Stella A.; Biernaczyk, Marcin; Bissen, Raphael; Brookes, Justin D.; Brown, David; Cañedo-Argüelles, Miguel; Canle, Moisés; Capelli, Camilla; Carballeira, Rafael; Cereijo Arango, José Luis; Chawchai, Sakonvan; Christensen, Søren Thromsholdt; Christoffersen, Kirsten Seestern; Eyto, Elvira de; Delgado Martín, Jordi; Dornan, Tyler; Doubek, Jonathan; Dusaucy, Julia; Erina, Oxana; Ersoy, Zeynep; Feuchtmayr, Heidrun; Frezzotti, Maria Luce; Galafassi, Silvia; Gateuille, David; Gonçalves, Vítor; Grossart, Hans-Peter; Hamilton, David P.; Harris, Theodore; Kangur, Külli; Başaran Kankılıç, Gökben; Kessler, Rebecca; Kiel, Christine; Krynak, Edward M.; Leiva-Presa, Àngels; Lepori, Fabio; Matias, Miguel G.; Matsuzaki, Shin-ichiro; McElarney, Yvonne; Messyasz, Beata; Mitchell, Mark; Mlambo, Musa C.; Motitsoe, Samuel Nkopane; Nandini, S.; Orlandi, Valentina; Owens, Caroline; Özkundakci, Deniz; Pinnow, Solvig; Pociecha, Agnieszka; Raposeiro, Pedro; Rõõm, Eva-Ingrid; Rotta, Federica; Salmaso, Nico; Sarma, S. S. S.; Sartirana, Davide; Scordo, Facundo; Sibomana, Claver; Siewert, Daniel; Stepanowska, Katarzyna Ewa; Tavşanoğlu, Ülkü Nihan; Tereshina, Maria; Thompson, James; Tolotti, Monica; Valois, Amanda; Verburg, Piet; Welsh, Brittany; Wesolek, Brian; Weyhenmeyer, Gesa; Wu, Naicheng; Zawisza, Edyta; Zink, Lauren; Leoni, Barbara (Springer Nature, 2023)
      [Abstract] Plastic debris is thought to be widespread in freshwater ecosystems globally1. However, a lack of comprehensive and comparable data makes rigorous assessment of its distribution challenging2,3. Here we present ...
    • Public Health Considerations for PM₁₀ in a High-Pollution Megacity: Influences of Atmospheric Condition and Land Coverage 

      Zafra Mejía, Carlos Alfonso; Suárez-López, Joaquín; Pachón, Jorge E. (MDPI, 2021)
      [Abstract] This paper analyzes the PM₁₀ concentrations and influences of atmospheric condition (AC) and land coverage (LC) on a high-pollution megacity (Bogota, Colombia) from a public health viewpoint. Information of ...
    • Quantifying local rainfall dynamics and uncertain boundary conditions into a nested regional-local flood modeling system 

      Bermúdez, María; Neal, Jeffrey; Bates, Paul; Coxon, Gemma; Freer, Jim; Cea, Luis; Puertas, Jerónimo (Wiley, 2017)
      [Abstract:] Inflow discharge and outflow stage estimates for hydraulic flood models are generally derived from river gauge data. Uncertainties in the measured inflow data and the neglect of rainfall-runoff contributions ...
    • Quantifying the role of individual flood drivers and their correlations in flooding of coastal river reaches 

      Sopelana Peralta, Javier; Bermúdez, María; Cea, Luis (Springer, 2019)
      [Abstract:] Flooding in coastal river reaches is the result of complex interactions between coastal and inland drivers. Flood hazard assessments need to consider how these drivers interact in space and time, for which a ...
    • Rainwater Harvesting Techniques to Face Water Scarcity in African Drylands: Hydrological Efficiency Assessment 

      Tamagnone, Paolo; Cea, Luis; Comino, Elena; Rosso, Maurizio (MDPI, 2020)
      [Abstract] The sub-Saharan climate is experiencing a marked increase in temperature and intensification of precipitation intensity and variability. Besides, longer dry spells are compromising the reliability of local ...
    • Regional streamflow prediction in northwest Spain: A comparative analysis of regionalisation schemes 

      Cea, Luis; Farfán-Durán, Juan F. (Elsevier, 2023)
      [Abstract:] Study Region: The present study was conducted in 24 watersheds located in the region of Galicia, in the northwest of Spain, covering an extension of approximately 13,000 km. Study focus: This study is focused ...
    • Revealing the spatio-temporal characteristics of drought in Mozambique and their relationship with large-scale climate variability 

      Araneda-Cabrera, Ronnie J.; Bermúdez, María; Puertas, Jerónimo (Elsevier, 2021)
      [Abstract:] Study region: Mozambique. Study focus: Mozambique does not currently have the necessary tools for systematic monitoring and forecasting of drought at a subnational scale. The purpose of this study was to ...
    • Sedunit project: Study of the accumulation, erosion and sediment transport of cohesive solids in combined sewer systems 

      Anta, Jose; Suárez-López, Joaquín; Jacome-Burgos, Juan-Alfredo; Regueiro-Picallo, Manuel; Puertas, Jerónimo; Naves, Juan; Recarey, Montserrat (WIT Press, 2018)
      [Abstract:] The SEDUNIT Project is a Spanish National Research focused on the study of the sediment transport in combined sewer systems. The main objective of this study is to advance in the understanding of the sediment ...