• Enhanced global optimization methods applied to complex fisheries stock assessment models 

      Penas, David R.; Gómez, Andrés; Fraguela, Basilio B.; Martín, María J.; Cerviño, Santiago (Elsevier BV, 2019-04)
      [Abstract] Statistical fisheries models are frequently used by researchers and agencies to understand the behavior of marine ecosystems or to estimate the maximum acceptable catch of different species of commercial interest. ...
    • Enhanced parallel Differential Evolution algorithm for problems in computational systems biology 

      Penas, David R.; Banga, Julio R.; González, Patricia; Doallo, Ramón (Elsevier BV, 2015)
      [Abstract] Many key problems in computational systems biology and bioinformatics can be formulated and solved using a global optimization framework. The complexity of the underlying mathematical models require the use of ...
    • Enhancing in-memory Efficiency for MapReduce-based Data Processing 

      Veiga Fachal, Jorge; Expósito, Roberto R.; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan (Academic Press, 2018-10)
      [Abstract] As the memory capacity of computational systems increases, the in-memory data management of Big Data processing frameworks becomes more crucial for performance. This paper analyzes and improves the memory ...
    • Ensemble and continual federated learning for classification tasks 

      Casado, Fernando E.; Lema, Dylan; Iglesias, Roberto; Regueiro, Carlos V.; Barro, Senén (Springer, 2023-09)
      [Abstract]: Federated learning is the state-of-the-art paradigm for training a learning model collaboratively across multiple distributed devices while ensuring data privacy. Under this framework, different algorithms have ...
    • EPA-ng: Massively Parallel Evolutionary Placement of Genetic Sequences 

      Barbera, Pierre; Kozlov, Alexey M.; Czech, Lucas; Morel, Benoit; Darriba, Diego; Flouri, Tomas; Stamatakis, Alexandros (Oxford University Press, 2019-03-01)
      [Abstract]: Next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies have led to a ubiquity of molecular sequence data. This data avalanche is particularly challenging in metagenetics, which focuses on taxonomic identification of ...
    • Evaluation of Existing Methods for High-Order Epistasis Detection 

      Ponte-Fernández, Christian; González-Domínguez, Jorge; Carvajal-Rodriguez, Antonio; Martín, María J. (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2020-10-15)
      [Abstract] Finding epistatic interactions among loci when expressing a phenotype is a widely employed strategy to understand the genetic architecture of complex traits in GWAS. The abundance of methods dedicated to the ...
    • Evaluation of Java for General Purpose GPU Computing 

      Docampo, Jorge; Ramos Garea, Sabela; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Expósito, Roberto R.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (IEEE Computer Society, 2013-07-01)
      [Abstract] The presence of many-core units as accelerators has been increasing due to their ability to improve the performance of highly parallel workloads. General Purpose GPU(GPGPU) computing has allowed the graphical ...
    • Evaluation of messaging middleware for high-performance cloud computing 

      Expósito, Roberto R.; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Ramos Garea, Sabela; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer U K, 2013-12)
      [Abstract] Cloud computing is posing several challenges, such as security, fault tolerance, access interface singularity, and network constraints, both in terms of latency and bandwidth. In this scenario, the performance ...
    • Evaluation of Parallel Differential Evolution Implementations on MapReduce and Spark 

      Teijeiro, Diego; Pardo, Xoán C.; Penas, David R.; González, Patricia; Banga, Julio R.; Doallo, Ramón (Springer, 2017-09)
      [Abstract] Global optimization problems arise in many areas of science and engineering, computational and systems biology and bioinformatics among them. Many research efforts have focused on developing parallel metaheuristics ...
    • Exploiting Heterogeneous Parallelism With the Heterogeneous Programming Library 

      Viñas Buceta, Moisés; Bozkus, Zeki; Fraguela, Basilio B. (Elsevier, 2013)
      [Abstract] While recognition of the advantages of heterogeneous computing is steadily growing, the issues of programmability and portability hinder its exploitation. The introduction of the OpenCL standard was a major step ...
    • Exploiting locality in the run-time parallelization of irregular loops 

      Martín, María J.; Singh, David E.; Touriño, Juan; Rivera, Francisco F. (C R C Press, LLC, 2002-12-10)
      [Abstract] The goal of this work is the efficient parallel execution of loops with indirect array accesses, in order to be embedded in a parallelizing compiler framework. In this kind of loop pattern, dependences can not ...
    • Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis of Construction and Demolition Waste Management in the European Economic Area 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Seruca, Isabel; Sousa, Cristina; Pereira, Ángeles (M D P I AG, 2020-06-18)
      [Abstract] This paper deals with the efficiency and sustainability of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) management in 30 Member States of the European Economic Area (EEA) (the 28 European Union countries plus Norway ...
    • Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Envelopment Analysis of Urban Rail Transit 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Han, Liangxiu (MDPI AG, 2020-08-07)
      [Abstract] This paper deals with the efficiency and sustainability of urban rail transit (URT) using exploratory data analytics (EDA) and data envelopment analysis (DEA). The first stage of the proposed methodology is EDA ...
    • Extending an Application-Level Checkpointing Tool to Provide Fault Tolerance Support to OpenMP Applications 

      Losada, Nuria; Martín, María J.; Rodríguez, Gabriel; González, Patricia (Technische Universitaet Graz * Institut fuer Informationssysteme und Computer Medien,Graz University of Technology, Institute for Information Systems and Computer Media, 2014-09)
      [Abstract] Despite the increasing popularity of shared-memory systems, there is a lack of tools for providing fault tolerance support to shared-memory applications. CPPC (ComPiler for Portable Checkpointing) is an ...
    • Extending the Globus Information Service with the Common Information Model 

      Díaz, Iván; Fernández, G.; González, Patricia; Martín, María J.; Touriño, Juan (IEEE Computer Society, 2011-07-14)
      [Abstract] The need of task-adapted and complete information for the management of resources is a well known issue in Grid computing. Globus Toolkit 4 (GT4) includes the Monitoring and Discovery System component (MDS4) to ...
    • F-MPJ: scalable Java message-passing communications on parallel systems 

      Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2012-04)
      [Abstract] This paper presents F-MPJ (Fast MPJ), a scalable and efficient Message-Passing in Java (MPJ) communication middleware for parallel computing. The increasing interest in Java as the programming language of the ...
    • Facilitating the development of stencil applications using the Heterogeneous Programming Library 

      Viñas Buceta, Moisés; Fraguela, Basilio B.; Andrade, Diego; Doallo, Ramón (2017)
      [Abstract] Stencil computations are very common in scientific codes. Heterogeneous systems achieve good results solving these problems, but their programming is complex because of the ghost regions required in multi-device ...
    • Failure Avoidance in MPI Applications Using an Application-Level Approach 

      Cores González, Iván; Rodríguez, Gabriel; González, Patricia; Martín, María J. (Oxford University Press, 2014)
      [Abstract] Execution times of large-scale computational science and engineering parallel applications are usually longer than the mean-time-between-failures. For this reason, hardware failures must be tolerated by the ...
    • Fast search of third-order epistatic interactions on CPU and GPU clusters 

      Ponte-Fernández, Christian; González-Domínguez, Jorge; Martín, María J. (Sage Publications Ltd., 2019-05-27)
      [Abstract] Genome-Wide Association Studies (GWASs), analyses that try to find a link between a given phenotype (such as a disease) and genetic markers, have been growing in popularity in the recent years. Relations between ...
    • FastMPJ: a scalable and efficient Java message-passing library 

      Expósito, Roberto R.; Ramos Garea, Sabela; Taboada, Guillermo L.; Touriño, Juan; Doallo, Ramón (Springer New York LLC, 2014)
      [Abstract] The performance and scalability of communications are key for high performance computing (HPC) applications in the current multi-core era. Despite the significant benefits (e.g., productivity, portability, ...