Mostrando ítems 31-35 de 166

    • Strength tests on asphalt mixes attacked by motor fuels. Recommendations on bath immersion times 

      Gallego Medina, Juan; Pérez Pérez, Ignacio; Antón Fuentes, Rebeca; Prieto, Jorge N.; Sanz García, M. Agripina (TRB, 2007)
      [Abstract:] One of the limitations of asphalt mixes as pavement materials is their poor resistance to attack from crude oil-based motor fuels. Several procedures exist for determining the resistance of asphalt materials ...
    • Impact of construction and demolition waste aggregates on stripping in hot mix asphalt 

      Pérez Pérez, Ignacio; Pasandín, A.R.; Gallego Medina, Juan (TRB, 2010)
      [Abstract:] This paper analyzes the effect of water on the durability of hot asphalt mixtures made with recycled aggregates from construction and demolition debris. Indirect Tensile Stress tests were carried out to evaluate ...
    • Treatments applied to recycled concrete aggregates when used in hot-mix asphalt 

      Pasandín, A.R.; Pérez Pérez, Ignacio; Gómez Meijide, Breixo (TRB, 2015)
      [Abstract:] The road construction industry is one of the major consumers of aggregate at the global level. The extraction of virgin aggregates entails several environmental, sociological and economic impacts. Therefore, ...
    • Diseño integral de intersecciones semafóricas 

      Pérez Pérez, Ignacio; Arcos Diego, Héctor A. (Imprime: Nino - Centro de Impresión Digital, 2002)
      [Resumen:] Los objetivos básicos que se pretenden cubrir con esta publicación son: -Ofrecer una introducción sencilla a los conceptos fundamentales que rigen la regulación semafórica. - Dar a conocer los fundamentos teóricos ...
    • Patente nacional P201500200(6) - Procedimiento de limpieza de manchas frescas por derrame de fluidos 

      Pérez Pérez, Ignacio; Gómez Meijide, Breixo; Pasandín, A.R. (Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas, 2017)
      [Resumen:] La presente invención describe un procedimiento de limpieza de manchas frescas por el derrame de fluidos, que comprende aplicar áridos reciclados de RCDs, con un contenido mayor del 90% de mortero u hormigón y ...